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It tallies, too, with the Piranesi plates; while Rome has visibly changed since his day. His original designs for chimneys, Diverse Maniere d'Adornare i Camini, are pronounced by several critics as "foolish and vulgar." He left nearly two thousand etchings, and died at Rome November 9, 1778. His son erected a mediocre statue by Angolin for his tomb in Il Priorato.

The following instance of its effects is given by Brillat Savarin, to whom the circumstances were communicated, in confidence, by the lady who was the subject of them: "Je soupai," says she, "un jour chez moi en trio avec mon mari et un de ses amis dont le nom était V . C'était un beau garçon et ne manquant pas d'esprit et venait souvent chez moi, mais il ne m'avait jamais rien dit qui put le faire regarder comme mon amant, et s'il me fesait la cour, c'était d'une manière si enveloppée qu'il n'y avait qu'une sotte qui eut s'en fâcher. Il paraissait, ce jour l

Captain Maniere, one of the provost marshals, however, assembled a small force, and drove out the rioters, who were mostly young men and boys, before the work of destruction was complete. The news of this attack had been telegraphed to head-quarters of the police, and Captain Helme, of the Twenty-seventh Precinct, despatched to its defence. At his approach the rioters dispersed.

Voici, milord, assez de details. Potts has just left me. I am now to bathe three times a week, take opiate going to bed for some nights, and begin a course of bark. I take nothing after my coffee, besides, except Orgeat. I am with the sexagenary of White's, et de cette maniere je passe le temps assez tranquillement. 12 o'clock. Raikes, under his cover.

«Plus souvent plusieurs blocs séparés les uns des autres, forment la base, et un ou plusieurs blocs sont posés immédiatement dessus, sans ordre constant, tantôt inclinés, mais toujours d'une manière stable et fixe, propre

Abington and Miss Farren, the latter elegant and spirited actress being held by those who had seen both less like the original great lady than her predecessor; while even the Théâtre Français, where consummate study and reverend tradition of elder art still prevail, has lost more and more the secret of la grande manière in a gradual descent from the grande dame of Mademoiselle Contat to the pretty, graceful femme comme il faut of Mademoiselle Plessis; for even the exquisite Célimène of Mademoiselle Mars was but a "pale reflex" of Molière's brilliant coquette, as played by her great instructress, Contat.

«§ 1064. Les rochers correspondans de l'autre côté du Rhône, ou sur la rive droite de ce fleuve sont aussi calcaires. La montagne qui domine cette rive, un peu au-dessus de St. Maurice, est composée de couches contournées, froissées et repliées de la maniere la plus étrange. Ce qu'il y a encore de remarquable, c'est que ces couches ainsi repliées en ont d'autres

He had the same powerful eye, calm wisdom, refined observation and "the imposing maniere d'etre which anywhere would give him influence among men"; but in herself, she says, "There is scarcely a fibre left of the haughty, passionate, ambitious child he remembered and loved."

Il faut donc nous arranger de maniere a ceque, dans le cas ou le seconde hypothese serait la vraie, nous n'ayons pas ete trop dupes." This strain of remark, which is developed at considerable length, is meant as a criticism of Amiel's want of sensitiveness to the irony of things.

"Il ne faut pas mettre un ridicule il n'y en a point: c'est se gâter le goût, c'est corrompre son jugement et celui des autres. Mais le ridicule qui est quelque part, il faut l'y voir, l'en tirer avec grâce et d'une manière qui plaise et qui instruise."