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Updated: August 5, 2024

She is now playing Utility Parts in a Stock Company in Pennsylvania. The Jewels pelted at her by Bob are much admired by the Gallery. MORAL: The City holds no Peril for those who cherish Lucky Ideals. Once there was a full-blown Wild Peach, registered in the Family Bible as Susan Mahaly.

She wuz a monst'us lackly gal, tall en soopl', wid big eyes, en a small foot, en a lively tongue, en w'en Dan tuk ter gwine wid 'er eve'ybody 'lowed dey wuz well match', en none er de yuther nigger men on de plantation das' ter go nigh her, fer dey wuz all feared er Dan. "Now, it happen' dat dis yer cunjuh man's son wuz gwine 'long de road one day, w'en who sh'd come pas' but Mahaly.

They were Niggertown dogs, and the sight of a white man always drove them to a frenzy. Presently in the hullabaloo, Peter heard Dawson Bobbs's voice shouting: "Aunt Mahaly, if you kain't call off this dawg, I'm shore goin' to kill him." Then an old woman's scolding broke in and complicated the mêlée.

Meanw'iles Dan's marster had said dey could git married ef dey wanter, en so Dan en Mahaly had tuk up wid one ernudder, en wuz libbin' in a cabin by deyse'ves, en wuz des wrop' up in one ernudder. "But dis yer cunjuh man's son did n' 'pear ter min' Dan's takin' up wid Mahaly, en he kep' on hangin' 'roun' des de same, 'tel fin'lly one day Mahaly sez ter Dan, sez she:

"Come, Mahaly," said a fresh-looking young-fellow with a saucerful in each hand, "here's your ice-cream; let's go in the corner and have a celebration, us two." And the old green de-lame, with the young curves under it to make it sit well, moved off as pleased apparently as if it had been silk velvet with thousand-dollar laces over it.

"Now, dis cunjuh man, w'en he had got th'oo talkin' wid Dan, kep' on down de road 'long de side er de plantation, 'tel he met Mahaly comin' home fum wuk des atter sundown. "'Hoddy do, ma'm, sezee; 'is yo' name Sis' Mahaly, w'at b'longs ter Mars Dugal' McAdoo? "'Yas, 'spon' Mahaly, 'dat's my name, en I b'longs ter Mars Dugal'.

"'Well, sezee, 'yo' husban' Dan wuz down by my cabin dis ebenin', en he got bit by a spider er sump'n, en his foot is swoll' up so he can't walk. En he ax' me fer ter fin' you en fetch you down dere ter he'p 'im home. "Co'se Mahaly wanter see w'at had happen' ter Dan, en so she sta'ted down de road wid de cunjuh man.

He kep' gittin' madder en madder, en Mahaly had n' much mo' d'n drawed her' las bref befo' he sta'ted back ter de cunjuh man's cabin ha'd ez he could run. "Wen he got dere, de do' wuz stan'in' open; a lighterd-knot wuz flick'rin' on de h'a'th, en de ole cunjuh man wuz settin' dere noddin' in de corner.

"Mary Jo, did you tell Tobias's mammy that he was coming along?" "Nawm, I ain done tole nobody caze dar ain nobody done ax me." "But I said that you were not to bring him without letting Mahaly know. You remember what a whipping she gave him the last time he came!" At this a dismal howl burst from Tobias. "I ain't-a-gwine-ter-git-a-whuppin'!"

She had b'long' ter a gemman over on Rockfish, w'at died, en whose 'state ha' ter be sol' fer ter pay his debts. En Mars Dugal' had be'n ter de oction, en w'en he seed dis gal a-cryin' en gwine on 'bout bein' sol' erway fum her ole mammy, Aun' Mahaly, Mars Dugal' bid 'em bofe in, en fotch 'em ober ter our plantation.

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