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Updated: July 31, 2024

Here is the letter which I had this morning acknowledging my assistance." He tossed over, as he spoke, a crumpled sheet of foreign notepaper. I glanced my eyes down it, catching a profusion of notes of admiration, with stray "magnifiques," "coup-de-maitres," and "tours-de-force," all testifying to the ardent admiration of the Frenchman. "He speaks as a pupil to his master," said I.

The ploughs in this part of the country are more antiquated than any I have seen. The ploughing is very shallow; but nature does all in France. Distance about 34 miles. Wednesday, 22d. Left Pezenas at half past five, and arrived to breakfast at half past nine at Beziers. We went to see the coches d'eau, described as superbes and magnifiques by our French friends. Their ideas differ from ours.

"Hier soir je me suis promene un peu dans les jardins du palais qui est lui-meme vaste, mais c'est un amas de constructions lourdes et de mauvais gout, du moins en general. Cela me fait l'effet d'une caserne ajoutee a une petite ville. Les jardins, les arbres sont magnifiques. Je me trouve bien ce matin, mais un peu faible par suite du peu de nourriture que j'ai pu prendre depuis quelques jours.

As to the verse, I know of few attempts to translate the untranslatable. Perhaps Mr. Symons has tried his accomplished hand at the task. How render the sumptuous assonance and solemn rhythms of Marche Funèbre: O convoi solennel des soleils magnifiques? "Je ne suis qu'un viveur lunaire Qui faits des ronds dans les bassins Et cela, sans autre dessin Que devenir un légendaire...."

So momentous an event could hardly fail to arouse widespread and keen interest even beyond the confines of the land in which it had occurred. “C’est un des plus magnifiques exemples de courage qu’il ait été donné

Only a friend? What a charming young man! How tall he was! and what magnifiques yeux bruns! Now, surely, Mademoiselle would not be so triste? She would go out a little? and everybody would remark them, Mademoiselle being so graceful, and monsieur so very tall."

Sa femme est bonne, et si simple que j'ai rarement vu un comme-il-faut plus acheve sans etre de la distinction. La maison est tres spacieuse et entouree d'arbres magnifiques. Ce qu'il y a de particulier dans cette maison, c'est un caractere intime et d'aisance ancienne. Macmillan a su eviter avec un tact parfait, tout ce qui pouvait rappeler le nouveau riche.

Omitting "Les Amants Magnifiques," called by Molière a minor comedy, but which may be rather considered as a piece of framework for the introduction of scenic pageantry, and which is only distinguished by some satirical shafts directed against the now obsolete folly of judicial astrology, we hasten to notice a masterpiece of Molière's art in "Le Bourgeois Gentilhomme."

I retired to a window-seat, and taking a book from a table near, endeavoured to read. Adele brought her stool to my feet; ere long she touched my knee. "What is it, Adele?" "Est-ce que je ne puis pas prendrie une seule de ces fleurs magnifiques, mademoiselle? Seulement pour completer ma toilette." "You think too much of your 'toilette, Adele: but you may have a flower."

M. Duchene, French master at Archbishop Holgate's School, York, who was wounded with his regiment at Verdun, writes in glowing terms of his comrades' praise. "Ah, those English soldiers!" he says. "In my regiment you only hear such expressions as 'Ils sont magnifiques, 'Ils sont superbs, 'Quels soldats! No better tribute could be given."

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