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Updated: August 21, 2024

"I'll neer believe that," answered Ringan; "Edie was ken'd to me, and my father before me, for a true, loyal, and sooth-fast man; and, mair by token, he's sleeping up yonder in our barn, and has been since ten at e'en Sae touch ye wha liket, Mr. Dousterswivel, and whether onybody touched ye or no, I'm sure Edie's sackless."

He repeatedly assured me it was 'by' with him now; 'and high time too, he once added with characteristic asperity. 'He was the only one I ever liket of the hale jing-bang, was one of his expressions; and you will be glad to know that he dwelt particularly on the dutiful respect you had always displayed in your relations.

'He was the only one I ever liket of the hale jing-bang, was one of his expressions; and you will be glad to know that he dwelt particularly on the dutiful respect you had always displayed in your relations. I should say that, though rather a trying patient, he was most tenderly nursed by your uncle, and your cousin, Miss Euphemia.

A wild fear took possession of him as he looked upon the scarcely moving breast, a fear which seemed to communicate itself to the sufferer, and she opened her eyes again, but the voice was weak and very far away. "Dinna be angry wi' onybody, Rob. It was you I liket, it was you I wanted but it was a' a mistake."

It was Rob I liket it was him I wanted. But it was a' a mistak'. Dinna be " and the glazed sunken eyes closed forever, never to open again, a faint noise gurgled in her throat, and the dews of death stood out in beads upon the pale brow. A tiny quiver of the eyelids, and a tremor through the thin hands and Mysie poor ruined broken waif of the world was gone. "Oh, my God!

Then she 's ashamed of herself for efer, when she might have tone it. And it 'll hafe to be tone yet!" He paused a few moments, and then resumed: "And she'll not pe coing to be hangt? Maype tat will pe petter, for you wouldn't hafe liket to see your olt cranfather to pe hangt, Malcolm, my son. Not tat she would hafe minted it herself in such a coot caause, Malcolm!

That Leezie Johnstone was in here the day, an' you ken hoo she talks. She was makin' oot that Mysie had gane wrang, and had ran awa' tae hide it." "Leezie Johnstone had little to do sayin' onything o' the kind," he said with some heat in his voice. "There never was a dirty coo in the byre but it liket a neighbor. I suppose she'll be thinkin' that a' lasses were like her.

And the creature Morris is sic a cowardly caitiff, that to this hour he daurna say that it was Rob took the portmanteau aff him; and troth he's right, for your custom-house and excise cattle are ill liket on a' sides, and Rob might get a back-handed lick at him, before the Board, as they ca't, could help him." "I have long suspected this, Mr. Jarvie," said I, "and perfectly agree with you.

So she sent Tillie to call a cab, and contented herself with bewailing the stubbornness of Peter, her nephew. "It was aye so, whan he was a lad playin' wi' Jean an' Katherine, whiles whan his feyther lat his mither bring Katherine and him back to Scotland on a veesit. Jean and Katherine maun gie in til him if they liket it or no.

"That's hard to say, wife," he replied, a break in his voice. "Sometimes I think she maun be deid, or she wad hae come back to us in some way. I think we liket her weel enough, an' she kent it, and she was ay a guid lassie at a' times." "Ay, she was," replied the mother, "a guid bairn, an' a clever yin aboot the hoose; an' I never had an angry word frae her a' my days.

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