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Without jarring the man about, almost without moving him, garment by garment Budge gradually removed, replaced, examined, until every part of the man's anatomy had been looked over. Finally he straightened up, and for the first time the other two, who had stood helplessly by, saw how set and white the young Scout's face was. "Leg's broken all right," he said slowly.

"Tell me this now, Peter Walsh, that young fellow is by the way of having a sore leg on him, so they tell me. Would you say now but that might be a trick the way it would put us off from suspecting any mischief he might be up to?" "I was thinking myself," said Peter, "that he might be imposing on us; but it's my opinion now that the leg's genuine.

"Say you know that I'm not afraid either, and I'll say the same." "Oh, I'll say that," replied Ralph, "because I know it." "That's right, then," said Mark; "and we can finish having it out another time." "Of course. I say, though, your leg's bleeding a good deal." "Oh, never mind that. So's your arm." "Can't be deep," said Ralph, "because it only smarts a bit. I say, look there!

Harry, I think, had been at one time a trout fisher. Ormond, however, after making an effort to rise, lay limply in the snow. "I'm very sorry to trouble you, but I can't get up," he said. "Something gone wrong internally and my leg's broken. I'm much afraid you will have to carry me."

The doctor shrugged his shoulders. "But what's wrong with you?" he said, turning to the bombardier. "My leg's rather queer, sir. Old Turk fell on it, and it's sprained, I suppose. But I expect you can soon put it right, sir." Rademacher removed the driver's riding-trousers with the aid of the hospital-orderly. His examination was soon over. "You have a double fracture of the thigh," he said.

"At the first stroke I thought somebody had hit me a heavy blow from behind, and I wish it had been that. It war wusser than that. It war the log had hit me, and war now lying with all its weight right acrosst my two leg's. In my hurry to git round I had sprung the trigger, and down comed the infernal log on my hams. "At fust I wan't scared, but I war badly hurt.

Oh, I'm glad you turned around and faced the other way before this thing happened." "So am I," groaned Ed, "but I'm afraid my leg's broken, and I'm sore inside like I'd fractured some of my ribs. What's going to come of me I don't know. And perhaps I don't care much either, though you'll be glad to know, Uncle Jim, that me and strong drink have parted company forever.

"I was afraid I'd never make him understand, but I did. And you should have seen him bully that other man into driving the jeep. Are you all right, Popsy?" "Is yo' all right, Cunnel?" Sergeant Williamson was asking. "My leg's broken, I think, but outside of that I'm all right," he answered both of them. "How did you happen to find me, Sergeant?" The old Negro soldier rolled his eyes upward.

He made a movement, and the knife hurt my own side." "He is an ass," said Lavoisier. "No he is only drunk," replied Beaumarchais. "But, gentlemen, my dream has a meaning in it," cried the surgeon. "Oh! oh!" exclaimed Bodard, who awoke at the moment "my leg's asleep." "Your animals are dead, my dear," said his wife.

Gregory turned slowly about and retraced his steps in the direction of the office. Then he remembered Barnes's request. "You can tell your friends to come along," he said. Barnes ran after him. "Say," he exclaimed, "I forgot to tell you. One of 'em's leg's a little stiff and the other one's shy an eye." Gregory whirled about. "They've got brains and hearts left, haven't they?" he challenged.