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He came out of the mysterious South one summer day, driving before him a few sheep, a cow, and a long-eared mule which carried his tent and other necessaries, and camped outside the town on a knoll, at the base of which was a thicket of close shrub. During the first day no one in Jansen thought anything of it, for it was a land of pilgrimage, and hundreds came and went on their journeys in search of free homesteads and good water and pasturage. But when, after three days, he was still there, Nicolle Terasse, who had little to do and an insatiable curiosity, went out to see him. He found a new sensation for Jansen. This is what he said when he came back: "You want know 'bout him, bagosh! Dat is somet'ing to see, dat man Ingles is his name. Sooch hair mooch long an' brown, and a leetla beard not so brown, an' a leather sole onto his feet, and a gray coat to his ankles oui, so like dat. An' his voice voil

Adieu, Vanne Castine; to see you again ver' happy, Vanne Castine. Ha, that is what you get in Bon'venture. Who say 'God bless you' in New York! They say 'Damn you! yes, I know. "Where have you a church so warm, so ver' nice, and everybody say him mass and God-have-mercy? Where you fin' it like that leetla place on de hill in Bon'venture? Yes.

'Bring me a priest, he say again, 'and all de ten shall go free. He say it over and over. He is smaish to pieces, but his head is all right. All at once de doors of de church open behin' him what you tink! Everybody's heart it stan' still, for dere is Mathurin dress as de priest, with a leetla boy to swing de censer. Everybody say to himself, What is dis?

It was part of his commercial equipment, an asset of his boyhood spent among the peasants on the family estate in Galway. Father Bourassa fanned himself with the black broadbrim hat he wore, and looked benignly but quizzically on the wiry, sharp-faced Irishman. "You t'ink her heart is leetla. But perhaps it is your mind not so big enough to see hein?"

"I say to her that there will be good crop, and next year we will be ver' happy. So, the time go on, and I send up a leetla snack of pork and molass' and tabac, and sugar and tea, and I get a letter from Bargon bimeby, and he say that heverything go right, he t'ink, this summer. He say I must come up. It is not dam easy to go in the summer, when the mill run night and day; but I say I will go.

I see you look at me, M'sieu' le Notaire, you look at me like a leetla dev'. You t'ink I come for somet'ing else" his black eyes flashed under his brow, he shook his head, and his hands clinched "You ask me why I come back? I come back because there is one thing I care for mos' in all de worl'. You t'ink I am happy to go about with a damn brown bear and dance trough de village? Moi? no, no, no!

Lavilette tore it open. It was a captain's commission for M. Nicolas Lavilette, with a call for money and a company of men and horses. "Maybe there's a leetla noose hanging from the tail of that, but then it is the glory eh? Captain Lavilette eh?" There was covert malice in Castine's voice. "If the English whip us, they won't shoot us like grand seigneurs, they will hang us like dogs."

I sit here and look at her, and t'ink of to-morrow-for ever. She look at me; oh, de love of God, she look at me! So I kneel down on de floor here beside her and say, 'Who shall take you from me, Christine, my leetla Christine? "She look at me and say: 'Who shall take you from me, my big Vanne? "All at once the door open, and "

This is what he said when he came back: "You want know 'bout him, bagosh! Dat is somet'ing to see, dat man Ingles is his name. Sooch hair mooch long an' brown, and a leetla beard not so brown, an' a leather sole onto his feet, and a grey coat to his ankles yes, so like dat. An' his voice voila, it is like water in a cave.

He never forget once de age of every leetla child dat call him godfadder. He have a brain dat work like a clock. My gran'fadder he say dat Mathurin have a machine in his head. It make de words, make de thoughts, make de fine speech like de Cure, make de gran' poetry oh, yes! "When de King of Englan' go to sit on de throne, Mathurin write ver' nice verse to him.