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Updated: August 3, 2024

"Lawks no, miss," replied the unprincipled boy. "Larks is foine roasted!" Nellie was horrified. "You don't mean to say, Dick," she cried, "that that you actually eat them?" "Aye, miss," he replied, without an atom of shame, "we doos. They be rare tasty birds!" She gave him up after this, going along by herself in silence.

"Oh, I'm not so old but what I don't know two turtle doves. He! he! To kiss over yer father's blood! Lawks! what a match 'twill be! He! he!" Still laughing hoarsely, Mrs. Kebby, in the midst of her unholy joy, was pushed out of the door by Lucian, who immediately afterwards turned to see if Diana had overheard her ill-chosen and ominous words.

Then there was a little greenfinch, just fledged, fluttering along the ground, and it seemed quite possible to catch it, till it managed to flutter under the blackberry bush. Hetty could not be got to give any heed to these things, so Molly was called on for her ready sympathy, and peeped with open mouth wherever she was told, and said "Lawks!" whenever she was expected to wonder.

They had not long occupied their respective positions, when Bob's attention was attracted by a cry of alarm from his companion in the bows. "Lawks a mussy!" yelled out Dick in accents of unfeigned terror. "I sees a white ghostess a-flying down on us, with big wings like a h'angel!" "Nonsense, Dick!" cried Bob from aft, trying to peer ahead under the belly of the sail as he was sitting to leeward.

It ain't no use turnin' of it up: you'll look like a lady whatever you do to hide it. But never mind: that ain't no disgrace so long as you don't look down on the rest of us. There, miss! There you are fit for a play! Come along; I'll take care of you. Lawks! I'm as good as a man I am! Con. Good-bye then, Mattie. Mat. Good-bye, miss. God bless you. Exeunt. SCENE. The Studio.

"Yes, sir, that's what I mean; the article is a little gold seal, with a red stone to it." "How long ago was this?" came slowly from Captain Bayley's lips. "About seventeen years ago," Mrs. Holl said. "The mother died a few days afterwards; the child is our Harry; and I came to ask you but, good lawks!" An ashen greyness had been stealing across the old officer's face, and Mrs.

It's our dinner, you know, but lawks! what do it matter what you calls it so long as you've got it to eat? An' there's such a splendid apple dumplin' in the pot, miss; you see, it's Tommy's birthday, for he was born on a Christmas Day, an' he's very fond of apple dumplin', is Tommy."

"Oh, lawks! no this way," replied the good woman, who was becoming almost imbecile under the eccentricities of her lodger. "This is your bedroom, and I only 'ope it won't turn into a band-box before morning, for of all the transformations an' pantimimes as 'as took place in this 'ouse since Mr Brooke entered it, I "

"Feet uppermost!" shouted Momont, "and is that your idea of storming a town, to go into it feet uppermost?" "But do you really mean to say that you were absolutely wet through when you took Saumur?" said the laundress. "Indeed we were," answered Chapeau, "wringing wet, every man of us." "Lawks! how uncomfortable," said the cook. "And M. Henri, was he wet too?"

He ought to have been happy enough, for he had his charmer in his arms; but he showed very little of the ecstatic joy of a favoured lover. There he sat with Norah in his arms, and as we have said, Norah was a handsome girl; but he would much sooner have been copying the Kennett and Avon canal lock entries in Mr. Snape's room at the Internal Navigation. 'Lawks, Mr.

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