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"What are you so busy about?" Evadne asked her. "My profession," she answered laconically. "And what is that?" Lord Groome inquired, with that ponderous affectation of playfulness which he believed to be acceptable to women. "The Higher Education of Man," she rejoined, then darted down a side street, laughing.

"Are those oars in her, Dan?" "Why, you don't suppose I'm going to row her, do you?" laughed Mr. Bangs. "We sometimes has to, when we doesn't want to," said Coombs laconically. "No fun staying out all night if the wind dies out." "Oh, yes, of course," responded Mr. Bangs. "Get aboard, ladies." "I don't believe you know how to sail a boat, Augustus," said Mrs. Bangs, eying her husband doubtfully.

When I remarked to my informant, who was not an admirer of peasant institutions, that the incident reminded me of the respect for the patria potestas in old Roman times, he stared at me with a look of surprise and indignation, and exclaimed laconically, "Patria potestas? . . . Vodka!"

"Some fool of a woman from the alley will come in to-night and tell you she can't pay her rent, and she'll take your suit away in her pocket-book as like as not to pay an installment on a piano. There's two new pianos in the alley since you came here." "I promise it, Katie." "Show it to me," said Katie laconically. "And don't go to picking up anything you drop!"

He held her letter in his hand as he wrote, and once he put it to his lips. All the same he wrote, as he had to write, laconically: "DEAR ELIZABETH, I'm sure Mr. Ferguson will agree with me that your money cannot be mine, by any gift. Calling it so won't make it so. Anyhow, it would not support us two years. By that time, as things look now, I shall probably not be earning any kind of an income.

"Not that exactly," said the captain laconically, "but in an enterprise like ours it's wise to take precautions. 'Better to be safe than be sorry. If it's known that we're after treasure, there may be sundry persons who will take an unwholesome interest in our affairs." "Do you mean members of the crew?" "Not necessarily; though they may.

I will see, I really will see, Brother Bruno, when these little matters are disposed of, what I can do for the girl." "Do! Give her ratsbane!" sneered Warner laconically. Bruno's reply was a quotation. "`While thy servant was busy here and there, he was gone." Then he rose and left the room. "Dear, dear!" said Father Nicholas.

Hewson laid a cup and saucer with such gentleness upon a pile of plates that the absence of noise was oppressive. "I'm not excited," she said with crimson cheeks. "Sorry," said Janet, laconically; "thought you were. If there's a thing more hateful than another, I think it's the vexation of a person who can't satisfy their curiosity about some other body's business. Don't you think so, Mrs.

Bill relapsed into unsmiling silence, sprawling listless in his chair, staring absently at the rug, as if he had lost all interest in the matter. "If you stay here and manage this end of it," she pursued lightly, "I suppose you'll have an office downtown." "I suppose so," he returned laconically. She came over and stood by him, playfully rumpling his brown hair with her fingers.

Women are thought just as much of now who are good useful workers in the world, and not tied up to some man and the mother of a few weedy kids that aren't any credit to king or country." "Mercy!" exclaimed grandma. "What am I to?" "Let 'em fight it out," I laconically advised in an aside, and she seemed disposed to take my advice. "You dare," blustered Mrs Bray.