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Auntie," said he, at table on the sand, "togged out that way, all them glitterin' gems, you shore look fit for a pirate's bride!" Poor Helena! She blushed red to the hair; and I fear I did no better myself. "Jimmy!" reproved Aunt Lucinda. "Don't call me 'Jimmy'!" rejoined that hopeful. "My name is L'Olonnois, the Scourge of The Sea.

But I hope no need for this will come. Yonder is our course, where she heads now, and soon you will be free from me. You have wrecked me. Now I am derelict, from this time on. Good-by." I heard footfalls above. "Mrs. Daniver's compliments to Captain Black Bart," saluted L'Olonnois, "an' would he send my Auntie Helena back, because she's offle sick."

The piratical career of L'Olonnois was very much like that of other buccaneers of the day, except that he was so abominably cruel to the Spanish prisoners whom he captured that he gained a reputation for vile humanity, surpassing that of any other rascal on the western continent.

"Many a time, Black Bart," said L'Olonnois solemnly, "have we crowded on full sail when the lookout gave the word of a prize a-comin', while we laid to in some hidden channel over yonder." "Aye, aye, many a time, many a time, my hearty." " An' loosed the bow-chaser an' shot away her foremast." " At almost the first shot, L'Olonnois."

This offer was accepted gladly, for de Basco had a great reputation as a fighter in Europe as well as in America. When everything had been made ready, L'Olonnois set sail for Maracaibo with a fleet of eight ships. On the way they captured two Spanish vessels, both of which were rich prizes, and at last they arrived before the town which they intended to capture.

Of course L'Olonnois went away in the boat, and reached the mouth of the Nicaragua River. There his party was attacked by some Spaniards and Indians, who killed more than half of them and prevented the others from landing.

Yonder are the bays and bayous and channels in the marshes, where your boats used to hide. And there, L'Olonnois, my hearty, with you, I was used to ride the open sea, toward the Isles of Spain, waiting for the galleons to come."

"Lady," said he, addressing himself to Aunt Lucinda, "it irks me as a gentleman to be rude with one so fair, but let me hear one more word from you, and your life's blood shall dye the deck, and you shall walk the plank at the morning sun. You deal with L'Olonnois, who knows no fear!" Deep silence, broken presently by a little laugh; and I heard Helena's voice in remonstrance.

And even L'Olonnois turned a searching gaze upon me. "Then I'll show you my true colors," said I. "I am more careless of taking treasure than of capturing a certain maiden who flees before us yonder on a swift craft, speedier than our own. Lay me alongside of her, this week, next month, this winter, and my share of the other booty shall be yours!"

After custom, I signaled loud and often with the boat's whistle, so that the men might come to the landing for us; and, in order that Edouard himself might be warned, I gave orders to my hardy mates to make proper nautical salute of honor. "Cast loose the stern-chaser, Jean Lafitte," said I: "and do you and L'Olonnois load and fire her often as you like until we land; or until you burst her."