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But I don't know's I shan't tell you after all; seem's as if I must tell somebody. Mrs. Barnes, I shan't live much longer. I've had a warning." Thankful stared at her. "Rebecca Timpson!" she exclaimed. "Have you gone crazy? What are you talkin' about? A warnin'!" "Yes, a warning. I was warned last night. You you knew I was a twin, didn't you?" "A which?" "A twin.

If it paid well, mebbe I wouldn't mind, but they're so thunderin' stingy round here, they don't leave anything decent out for you to take from em, yet you're reskin' your liberty n' reputation jest the same!... Countin' the poor pickin's n' the time I lose in jail I might most's well be done with it n' work out by the day, as the folks want me to; I'd make bout's much n' I don't know's it would be any harder!"

It worries me. If all this is true then then I was all wrong. I tried to keep him from makin' up poetry, Labe TRIED to, I did. If what these folks say is so somethin' ought to be done to me. I I by thunder, I don't know's I hadn't ought to be hung! . . . And yet and yet, I did what I thought was right and did it for the boy's sake . . . And and even now I I ain't sartin I was wrong.

Maybe you've got it right, Bud, but what's the use of gettin' highsterics over it? Maybe some of us could be a lot better than we are, but I don't know's any of us ever pretended to be anything great, did we?" "Great? I didn't say anything about great men. We're not half men, Baldy the light-ship is going with all hands."

It's conscience cotton, Thomas Jefferson. I've explained before, but I don't know's you understood. It seems a little unpolite to wear it in my ears, with you here keeping me comp'ny. I s'pose you think it's un unsociable. But Aunt Olivia doesn't allow me to 'sociate with the Tony Trumbullses. Oh, Thomas Jefferson, I wish she'd allow me to 'sociate!"

Tom expected a fresh wail would follow this statement, for though Tabitha was not ordinarily a cry-baby, the day of trials had been too much for her; but he was surprised when after a moment of silence in which he was vainly trying to think of something consoling to say, she remarked, "Well, I don't know's I care much about the berries, 'cause we're going to move, and I s'pose if we had a lot of jelly put up, Dad would say it wasn't any use to take it with us, and we would have to leave it along with the rest of the truck they've been sorting out today."

"Captain Gould," she said, "what plans have you and Mr. Hamilton made for Mary this summer?" "Plans, ma'am? Why, I don't know's we've made any. Of course, we're countin' on her comin' down to South Harniss when she gets through her school, and " "Just a moment, Captain. I have a friend who is very anxious to have you change that plan for one of hers. Come in, Letitia.

Perhaps if I were in your place I should be giving good advice about duty and not running away and so on. But suppose you were in mine." "Well, suppose I was." "Suppose Oh, but there! it's past supposing." "I don't know's 'tis. My life hasn't been all sunshine and fair winds, by no means." "That's true. I beg your pardon. You have had troubles and, from what I hear, you've borne them bravely.

Then he said he didn't know's he cared about ever havin' 'em again; said he and his wife had kind of lost their taste for cats, seemed so. I well, I hinted that, long as the tribe was at my house I wan't likely to have a chance to taste much of anything, but it didn't seem to have much effect. Then " "Yes, yes; go on! go on!"

He was at the door when the surprised and, to tell the truth, somewhat disconcerted Horatio called after him. "Here! Hold on, Perfessor," he hailed; "don't go off mad. I didn't mean nothin'. Er er say, Perfessor, I don't know's there's any use in your tellin' Martha what I said about them Development shares bein' cheap at eighteen.