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Hubbard flirting with a young fellow the way that woman went on with you that night?" Bartley grinned. "Well, sir, you're getting along and you're happy." "Perfect clam," said Bartley. "Such a position as you've got, such a house, such a wife, and such a baby! Well," said Kinney, rising, "it's a little too much for me." "Want to go to bed?" asked Bartley.

And Mis' Kinney, ef ye'll excuse my makin' so bold, I'll tell ye jest what Elder Williams said about ye: sez he, It's my opinion that ef there was ever a woman born thet was jest cut out for a minister to a congregation, it's that Elder's wife o' your'n; and sez we to him 'Thet's jest what the hull town thinks, sir, and it's our opinion that ef we should try to settle anythin' in the shape of a man in this parish, there wouldn't be anythin' but empty pews for him to preach to, for the people'd all be gone up to Mis' Kinney's."

He had been included in the party because, along with his professional knowledge, he possessed remarkable ability as an amateur antiquarian. He knew as much about the doings of the ancients as the average man knows of baseball. Dr. Kinney shook his head. "Not at present, certainly." Instantly Jackson was alert. "Then perhaps there were people there at one time!"

"Hold on!" cried Bartley, whipping out his notebook. "That's first-rate. That'll do for the first line in the head, What I Know About Logging, large caps. Well!" Kinney shut his magazine, and took his knee between his hands, closing one of his eyes in order to sharpen his recollection. He poured forth a stream of reminiscence, mingled observation, and personal experience.

You must go to your cabin, and STAY there. And the other one answered: 'I am sick of hiding and dodging." Kinney paused dramatically and frowned. "Well," I asked, "what of it?" "What of it?" he cried. He exclaimed aloud with pity and impatience. "No wonder," he cried, "you never have adventures. Why, it's plain as print. They are criminals escaping. The Englishman certainly is escaping."

But I guess if your pursuits are sedentary, you better take the apple separate." Bartley did not say anything; but he kept a lazily interested eye on Kinney as he rolled out his piecrust, fitted it into his tins, filled these from a jar of mince-meat, covered them with a sheet of dough pierced in herring-bone pattern, and marshalled them at one side ready for the oven.

Until the new kitchen and out-buildings were finished, if the Elder would consent to take them as boarders, they would live with him; "otherwise, sir, I must find some one in the village who will take us," said Draxy in a quiet tone, which Elder Kinney knew instinctively was not to be argued with. It was a novel experience for the Elder in more ways than one.

Your pal," he taunted, "has told every one on this boat that you are Lord Ivy, and he's told me lies enough about himself to prove he's an impostor, too!" I saw what had happened, and that if I were to protect poor Kinney I must not, as I felt inclined, use my fists, but my head. I laughed with apparent unconcern, and turned to the purser. "Oh, that's it, is it?" I cried.

We don't care anything about your company, Kinney; but we want you for decorative purposes." Kinney opened his mouth for another noiseless laugh, and said, "Well, fix it to suit yourselves." "I'll carry her up for you," said Bartley to Marcia, who was stooping forward to take the baby from him, "if Mr. Kinney will excuse us a moment." "All right," said Kinney.

He seemed to be afraid I would not appreciate the rare excellence of my speech. "You know, really," he pleaded, "it is awfully good!" We were interrupted by the sudden appearance, in opposite directions, of Kinney and the young man with the real hat-band. Both were excited and disturbed. At the sight of the young man, Stumps turned appealingly to the golden-rod girl.