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Updated: August 25, 2024

Therefore the bishop declared that he would give no encouragement to such a scheme, of which, he said, he had lately heard nothing from the prince; and that, whatever kindnesses he might receive from Frederick, he should never forget his duty to George. Walpole was delighted with Hoadley's bearing and Hoadley's answer, and seemed as if he never could praise him enough.

"She is the lady Joanna that you preserved from death and worse, it seems " "Says she so, Adam?" "Aye! And, by her showing, some small some few small kindnesses have passed betwixt you." "Kindnesses?" I demanded. "Aye, Martin, as is but natural, God knoweth. Kisses, d'ye see, embraces " "She lies!" quoth I, starting up in bed, "she lies!" "Why, very well, Martin " "Ha, d'ye doubt my word, Adam?"

An' speaking of Gawd, it's nice to 'ave Someone yer know as cares for you, though you can't never see 'Im or walk out with 'Im." From this time, she tried to do Bella many little kindnesses, but, saving this one instance, the servant was always on her guard and never again opened her heart to Mavis. Miss Striem did not carry out her threat of charging Mavis for the extras she refused to eat.

Indeed, my dear uncle, you must suffer me to call it weakness rather than ingratitude; for I am convinced the poor fellow loves me, and hath done me some kindnesses, which I can never forget; nay, I believe he hath repented of this very act; for it is not above a day or two ago, when my affairs seemed in the most desperate situation, that he visited me in my confinement, and offered me any money I wanted.

But to Lily this peace was not an interlude, but an end. Life for her was over. Her bright dreams were gone, her future settled. Without so putting it, even to herself, she dedicated herself to service, to small kindnesses, and little thoughtful acts. She was, daily and hourly, making reparation to them all for what she had cost them, in hope. That was the thing that had gone out of life. Hope.

Mark that, my friend. I've plenty to worry over; I've a lot to keep me busy without lying awake to figure out how to do kindnesses to old friends. Damn this ingratitude, anyway!" Plank gazed at him for a moment; the anger in his face had died out. "I am not ungrateful," he said. "You may say almost anything except that, Leroy. I am not disloyal, no matter what else I may be.

How, indeed, if he went to the fanatics of Union Street and said to them, "Richard Gessner is your enemy; strike at him." There would be vengeance surely, but he had received too many kindnesses at Hampstead that he should contemplate such an infamy. And what other course lay before him? He could not say, his life seemed lived.

It will be a return for many little kindnesses on their part, and will ensure me a comfortable winter. I shall have so many invitations to tea when they see me in that silk dress, and eat the excellent cakes, muffins, and crumpets, etc., which I shall provide for them, that they won't dare to cut me in the future.

His innumerable kindnesses and his innumerable oddities had for years made him one of the recognised public characters of the pleasant Swiss town. His long brown frock-coat and his black skull-cap, were among the institutions of the place: and he carried a snuff-box which, in point of size, was popularly believed to be without a parallel in Europe.

When the time came to say good-by to the aviators, the boys all expressed their gratitude on account of the kindnesses they had received. "Don't mention it," Lieutenant Fosdick replied, shaking each of the scouts by the hand; "the pleasure has all been on our side. And besides, you did us a great favor by warning us about those foreign spies. Some time I hope we'll meet again.

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