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Updated: August 23, 2024

Georgia, being already dressed for the journey, and her trunk containing most of her possessions being at Mrs. Bergwald's, had nothing to do but await results. I quickly changed my working suit for a better one, which had been given me by a German friend from San Francisco. Then I laid out my treasured keepsakes. In my nervous energy, nothing was forgotten.

And when we passed down the laughing street of childhood and turned that corner that all must pass, it was her hand that waved good-bye. Then, smothering the ache, with one look into the secret corner where the old keepsakes lie hid, she set about waiting the day when the long-lost baby would come back anew. The grandchild is he not her own boy returned to her arms?

'Thee has been very lucky, my dear, the good soul said when Miss Jenrys had done, 'and the young man has been at great pains to restore thy reticule. It was hardly worth so much trouble, do you think? 'Not in actual value perhaps, auntie, but it contained one or two little keepsakes that I valued' she breathed a little fluttering sigh 'for the sake of the giver.

Her next task was to look over the boxes and drawers at the manor house, in case it should be let; for no one else could be trusted to decide what hoards of highly prized trifles should be locked up, and what must be thrown away. She alone could choose the little keepsakes to be given to old servants and village friends, and she must select what she would take to Oakworthy.

Then he was seen wandering back to the support trenches in a dazed way. It happened three times, and he was sentenced to death. Before going out at dawn to face the firing-squad he was calm. There was a lighted candle on the table, and he sorted out his personal belongings and made small packages of them as keepsakes for his family and friends. His hand did not tremble.

"And in return, the poor little thing went out with her aunt's maid the next morning and bought two little keepsakes a scent-bottle for Mademoiselle Jeanne, and a fan for Mademoiselle Eliane. She spent on them all the money she had; and at this very moment," added Dudu, "the scent-bottle is downstairs in your mother's large old dressing-case, the dressing-case she got from her grandfather.

Her desire was to bestow all her keepsakes with her own hands, and in most cases she actually did so a few daily, as her strength served her.

Lady Cecilia showed her through the apartment destined for her, which she had taken the greatest pleasure in arranging; everything there was not only most comfortable, but particularly to her taste; and some little delicate proofs of affection, recollections of childhood, were there; keepsakes, early drawings, nonsensical things, not worth preserving, but still preserved.

"Oh!" replied Barry, amused at this unusual display on the part of the sedate and phlegmatic Tom, "there will be no lack of keepsakes in Buffalo to-morrow; for the field was covered with their coats, arms, and knapsacks; and some of these, I am sure, will be got for a mere song."

She knows all about us!" and they sank breathless into the various seats the gentlemen hastened to bring them. Pressed for further explanation, they declared she had told them of things they had said and done when they were mere children; described books and ornaments they had in their boudoirs at home: keepsakes that different relations had presented to them.

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