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Just when it seemed to Jack that hope must yield to despair he realized that the jumpy motion of the plane ceased suddenly. He knew what this meant, and that Tom had finally shown his hand, for they no longer bumped along but began to move through space! Then Jack fell back, breathing freely again.

When they both relaxed she sat back, catching a sympathetic challenging flash from Gertrude. She drew a deep breath and felt proud and easy. Let it bang, she said to herself. I must think of doors suddenly banging that never makes me jumpy and she sat easily breathing. Fraulein had said something in German in a panting voice, and Bertha had stood up and said, "I'll get the Bible, Fraulein." "Ei!

They were just about to sit down when the Mole clambered in through the window, chuckling, with an armful of rifles. 'It's all over, he reported. 'From what I can make out, as soon as the stoats, who were very nervous and jumpy already, heard the shrieks and the yells and the uproar inside the hall, some of them threw down their rifles and fled.

So is any invasion. But it's thorough; it's German. No other country could do it. It's all dawning on me by Jove! It will be at the Wash much the nearest, and as sandy as this side. 'How's Dollmann been? I asked. 'Polite, but queer and jumpy. It's too long a story. 'Clara? 'She's all right. By Jove! Carruthers never mind. We found a night-bell at the villa door and rang it lustily.

The situation was serious, for not only were the chances of a successful pursuit knocked on the head, but there was the danger of the men being overtaken by the flames. "Start another fire down wind," suggested one of the Rhodesians. "The horses won't stand it," objected another. "They're getting jumpy already." The man spoke truly. The animals, scenting danger, were becoming restless.

There is no room for a jumpy, excitable man in the trenches. Youth's resources defy monotony and death at the same time. An expedition had been planned for that night. A patrol the previous night had brought in word that the Germans had been sneaking up and piling sandbags in the wheatfield.

I couldn't deny that he looked it, either. Such a high-strung, jumpy party he is, always glancin' around suspicious. And that wanderin' store eye of his, scoutin' about on its own hook independent of the other, sort of adds to the general sleuthy effect. Kind of weird, too. But I tries to forget that and get down to business.

He was disturbed and jumpy, and the sight of Miss Silverton, talking to somebody on a settee in the corner of the hotel lobby, sent him shooting off at right angles and brought him up with a bump against the desk behind which the room-clerk sat. The room-clerk, always of a chatty disposition, was saying something to him, but Archie did not listen. He nodded mechanically.

She took dictation swiftly, her typing was perfect, but Babbitt became jumpy when he tried to work with her. She made him feel puffy, and at his best-beloved daily jokes she looked gently inquiring. He longed for Miss McGoun's return, and thought of writing to her. Then he heard that Miss McGoun had, a week after leaving him, gone over to his dangerous competitors, Sanders, Torrey and Wing.

From half-past eleven last night there was heavy musketry fire near the north-eastern line of our defensive works, and we thought the Devons were being attacked hotly, but it turned out to be nothing more than a fusilade from Boer rifles at some unknown objects. Our foes are evidently getting a little jumpy and apprehensive of a surprise by night.