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She was sometimes a little well, what shall we call it? not bad-tempered, but well, a trifle jumpy; but she seemed to be in good spirits as a rule." "You never I suppose" he laughed, trying to make the question sound casual "you never had any disagreements any little fallings-out? Oh, don't think me impertinent I was only wondering whether perhaps Mrs.

Somehow this recalled his flare, his adumbration of some great idea connected with young Arkwright and the old Captain, and the South. He put his trembling nerves to work, trying to recapture his line of thought. He sat for ten minutes, following this mental train, then that, losing one, groping for another. His thoughts were jumpy.

Some say that they get jumpy, others aver that they begin to lose their national characteristics and develop barbarous proclivities, while one Woods-and-Forests man known to some of us resigned because he had a buzzing in the head during the long solitary, silent evenings. Major Agar made no statements on this point, though he listened with sympathy to the assertions of others.

Charteris appeared to be in a somewhat overwrought condition. Rehearsals had turned him into a pessimist, and, now that the actual moment of production had arrived, his nerves were in a thoroughly jumpy condition, especially as the duologue was to begin in two minutes and the obliging person who had undertaken to prompt had disappeared. "Spennie," said Charteris, "where are you off to?"

We schooled him in getting used to long periods of silence. At first he was pretty jumpy and could not understand the change, when the men who had always given him two for one now received his fire without retaliating. After a while he decided that as we were quite mad there was no accounting for our behavior. Then we scared him some more by appearing to land fresh troops.

Carter put his hands to his ears and ran on blindly, while his friend, sitting on the top of the straw, regarded his proceedings with mixed feelings of surprise and indignation. "It can't be that tanner 'e owes me," he mused, "and yet I don't know what else it can be. I never see a man so jumpy."

Then, almost intrusively, she became deeply aware of his presence there beside her and conscious that he was aware of hers. She shivered. "Cold," said Johnny, in a jumpy voice, and put a hand on her shoulders, guarded by his sweater. "N-no," she whispered. "Feel dry?" His hand moved upward to her bared head, lingered there upon the heavy braids. "Yes," she told him, faintly as before.

Clyde, entering the house, found Wade alone, deep in newspapers, the accumulation of a week which he had just received. There was a package of letters for Clyde. "Look here, Clyde," said the lawyer. "Here's a funny thing." He held a newspaper open at the market page. "This Western Airline stock is as jumpy as a fever chart.

His thought had been that the stimulant would tend to keep him awake on duty. The effect the coffee had on him was to make his nerves jumpy. He lay on the knoll, rifle clutched fast in his hands, acutely sensitive to every sound, to every hazy shadow of the night. The very silence was sinister. His imagination peopled the sage with Utes, creeping toward him with a horrible and deadly patience.

Presently Esther came down to the parlor where the young man waited for her. Lane introduced himself as a friend of Rose. He was worried about her, he said. She seemed to him in a highly wrought-up, nervous state. He wondered if it would not be well to get her out of Denver. Esther swallowed a lump in her throat. She had never seen Rose so jumpy, she agreed.