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He's a Jim-dandy works all day and half the night, and if the tax-gatherer isn't at the door, wakes up laughing. I saw one" his light blue eyes took on a sudden hardness "laughing on the other side of his mouth one morning. They were 'kourbashing' his feet; I landed on them as the soles came away. I hit out." His face became grave, he turned the cigar round in his mouth.

But long before either Toby or Owen had finished eating, Steve hurried over to the pile, and squatting down, tailor fashion, began opening mussels. Just as the rest began to leave the vicinity of the fire they heard him give a shout. "Say, looky there at Steve he's dancing around like a wild Injun!" cried Bandy-legs. "B-b-bet you he's f-f-found a jim-dandy p-p-pearl," spluttered Toby.

And she wouldn't have to ask, at that. He would just naturally want to do things for her, because well, because he couldn't help feeling that way. Funny how some wimmin made a man feel like he wanted to just about worship them, and not because they did anything except be just themselves. Now, there was that Mrs. Weston. She was a jim-dandy woman but she was different.

I filled up on that forty-rod whiskey until I was crazy drunk, an' then I picked out the biggest man in town and fought him to a whisper." He sighed and glanced at his swollen knuckles, which still showed the marks of combat. "That feller was a jim-dandy scrapper," he said, smiling magnanimously, "but I downed 'im, all right.

"She always sends me jim-dandy things for Christmas." He ripped the protecting envelope away and stared in amazement at the two white-crocheted squares in his hand. "Washrags, washrags!" jeered the boys. For once, Aunt Clara had followed the haphazard suggestion at the end of his letter and had sent something useful. He jammed the offending gifts into his pocket, and sought to change the subject.

He had just clicked the button and exclaimed: "This will be a jim-dandy," when he felt something whistle through the air and the next minute his hat lay at his feet with an arrow in it. In an instant the child's father convinced that Billy was putting Ju-ju medicine on the child was upon him, armed with his big hunting spear and followed by half the village.

He had taken him without knowing who he was, merely because Reynolds requested it, but he now said: "Hank, you're a jim-dandy; I want you. When you've had your spree here, you come back with me and I'll do the right thing by ye." Harold thanked him in offhand phrase and went early to bed.

And he smiled with a certain shyness. "Something ABOUT something?" queried Molly, at a loss. "Why, yes. Shakespeare. He cert'nly must have been a jim-dandy boy if that is all true. Only he would go around town with a mighty triflin' gang. They sported and they held up citizens. And his father hated his travelling with trash like them. It was right natural the boy and the old man!

And there my fine door mat goes a-glimmering!" Investigation proved that Steve's fears were realized. The terrific discharge at such close quarters had so riddled the skin of the wildcat that it was not worth attempting to save. "What a shame!" said Steve, as he got up again after examining the dead beast. "He was a jim-dandy, too.

"She's a dandy, Lyddie! She's a jim-dandy of a little girl! She ought to come out and learn to ride straddle with her cousins. I got a boy about her age say, they'd look fine together! He's a towhead, like all the rest of 'em like their mother." For months afterward Lydia could close her eyes and see again the transfigured expression that had come over his face at the mention of his wife.