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She came to it in her light, impetuous way. She halted on the threshold. "Jeff!" she said. "Come here!" She reached out her hands to him little, nervous hands full of purpose. She drew him close. She raised her lips to his. The mistletoe dangled above their heads. "Will you kiss me, Jeff?" she whispered. He stooped, half-hesitating. Her arms stole about his neck.

"No, I didn't," said Lydia, in a passion to tell the truth at a moment when it seemed to her they were all willing, for one result or another, to turn and twist it. "I gave it back to Jeff so he could carry it to you and say, 'Here it is. I've paid you a lot of money on it " "Who told you that?" flashed Esther. She had forgotten her patient calm. "I told her," said Madame Beattie.

Passuk's feet were sore, and my feet were sore ay, sorer than his, for we had worked with the dogs; also, we looked to see. Long Jeff swore he would die before he hit the trail again; so Passuk took a fur robe, and I a cooking pot and an axe, and we made ready to go. But she looked on the man's portion, and said, 'It is wrong to waste good food on a baby.

She said at last: "I don't know what you mean by being a jay. But I guess we better not say anything more about this to-night." "All right," Jeff returned. There never were any formal good-nights between the Durgins, and he went away now without further words. His mother remained sitting where he left her.

J. Talbott Duvall. On Tuesday evening the league met in stated session at Hillman's Hall on Yazoo Street and Jeff was early on hand, visibly enthusiastic and professedly ready to do all within his power to further the aims and intents of the organization.

"Why, you can't run a paper. Can you?" Jeff smiled. "I told Captain Chunn he was taking a big chance." "If he's as rich as they say he is he can afford to lose some money." James took the news of his cousin's good fortune a little peevishly. He did not grudge Jeff's advancement, but he resented that it had befallen him to-day of all days.

I'm not obliged to call for sealed bids, or anything like that, so when I've heard from everybody, I'll give you a chance to bid against the highest offer in hand. If you want to top it, you can have the collection for any kind of an overbid that doesn't look too suspiciously nominal." "Why, Jeff, I appreciate that," Gresham said.

He rubbed his rough, unshaven cheek while his little pig eyes looked down into hers. "That so? Well, I dunno as it's any business of mine where you spend the night or how long you stay there. I had it put up to me to lay off 'n interfering with you. Seems like yore family got notions I was insulting you. That young bully Jeff jumped me whilst I wasn't looking and beat me up.

I have sent Newton's division up to Chattanooga in cars, and will send another division to Rome. If I were sure that Savannah would soon be in our possession, I should be tempted to march for Milledgeville and Augusta; but I must first secure what I have. Jeff. Davis is at Macon. On the next day I telegraphed further that Jeff. Davis was with Hood at Palmetto Station.

At noon the next day Jaspar Hume looked round upon a billowy plain of sun and ice, but saw no staff, no signal, no tent, no sign of human life: of Gaspe Toujours or of Jeff Hyde. His strong heart quailed. Had he lost his way? He looked at the sun. He was not sure. He consulted his compass, but it quivered hesitatingly.