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Updated: August 29, 2024

We figured we'd make twenty light years per second, and it looks as if it's going to be closer to twenty-four." A few minutes later, Arcot seated himself at the control board and flipped on the intercom to the power room. "All ready, Morey? I just happened to think it might be a good idea to pick out our galaxy now and start toward it." "Let's wait," cautioned Morey.

"Arm war heads!" snapped Strong over the intercom, and, on the gun deck, men twirled the delicate fuses on the noses of the space torpedoes and stepped back. "On target!" called the range finder. "Full salvo fire!" called Strong, and turned to Tom quickly. "Ninety-degree turn five degrees up!"

Instead of getting easier, the courses of study were getting more difficult all the time, and in his speech on the parade grounds, Commander Walters had promised "Emergency!" Roger's voice over the intercom brought Tom out of his reverie sharply. "All hands," continued the cadet on the radar bridge hurriedly, "secure your stations and get to the jet-boat deck on the double! Emergency!"

When the cadets' jet boat came alongside, the crew of the scout transferred into the jet boat and the three cadets took over the scout. On the control deck, Tom checked his instruments and made preliminary tests on the circuits. Suddenly Roger's voice crackled over the ship's intercom. "Blast that guy Vidac!" he yelled. "He's one jump ahead of us again!" Startled, Tom called into the intercom.

But it was too late; the plane was already at the end of the runway and several feet into the air with the countryside whizzing past and getting smaller and smaller as the plane quickly ascended. The captain's voice came over the intercom loud and clear. "Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. This is your captain speaking.

"Between the Toughs at that end and our heatguns at this end, we ought to be able to force them back below without much trouble. Are we ready to move out?" A different voice came in over the intercom, the voice of the tenth Master, who was on duty in the farm's control room. "Placer, the screens show three groundcars moving up from the south," he said.

"Yes, sir," he thought, "if we can surprise 'em, we can get away with it." He dug out a piece of chewing tobacco, took a bite, eyed the remaining piece, and then shoved the whole thing in his mouth. His cheek bulged. He went to the intercom and flipped it on. "Hey, Loring," he yelled. "I've got to check the timer on number-three rocket. She's not acting just right. It'll take me about a minute."

Jerking the controls, Tom threw the ship into a mad, whirling spin, subjecting the vessel to the most severe strain tests it would ever undergo. The hull groaned and creaked, and badly fitted equipment tore loose and clattered across the deck. Suddenly the young cadet leveled the ship. "Nose braking rockets, Astro!" he called. "Braking rockets, aye!" acknowledged the Venusian over the intercom.

"If you say one more word, I'll bury you in demerits!" "But, sir " "No buts!" roared Connel. "And you, Manning !" "Yes, sir?" chimed in Roger innocently. "Keep your mouth shut!" "Very well, sir," said Roger. "Corbett?" "Yes, sir?" "I'm putting you in charge of monitoring the intercom. If those two space idiots start jabbering again, call me. That's an order! I'll be in my quarters working."

Please explain discrepancy between these reports and your own summation of ten hours previous. Suggest close and continual observation of Project Hot Rod. Suspect, repeat strongly suspect, possibility of sabotage. End message." Nails Andersen stared at the sheet that the com officer had placed in his hands. Then he pressed the intercom to the morgue. "Dr. Kimball. Please report to the bridge. Dr.

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