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"Every Tough in the place is free to maim or kill any Jelly he sees, without fear of restraint or punishment. That should bring them to heel pretty quickly!" Behind the locked door of the conference room, one of the Masters passed out heatguns to Nuwell, Placer and the other four. "If we use these on them at half intensity, I think we can calm them down without killing any of them," said Placer.

On the ramp ahead, Dark and Old Beard approached the open gate to the corridor, Happy and Shadow following them. "I wish I had been able to find more heatguns at Ultra Vires," said Dark to Old Beard. "Only three, besides our four, are spreading them out pretty thin."

"I'm glad you feel that way about it, Maya, but I'm afraid it's too late. I really shouldn't have stayed around to serve as your pillow till you awoke." There was something in his face that caused her to sit up suddenly. Two uniformed men stood there in the lobby before them, relaxed but watchful, regulation heatguns dangling from their hands.

"No, Maya!" exclaimed Dark, getting to his feet. "Don't! There's no point in your getting hurt for my sake." She ignored him. "Drop those heatguns, both of you, or I blast!" she snapped, almost hysterically. Then Dark hurled himself bodily at the two men. The thin-faced man swung his heatgun around to meet Dark's charge.

"I brought heatguns, as well as marsuits. Besides, I have a larger plan now than merely escape." He related to Old Beard all the things that had happened, including the fact that Old Beard was his father. "I am very happy," said Old Beard simply, tears in his pale eyes. "I liked you very much from the first, Dark, and I'm glad that you can bear the name of Dark Kensington rightfully."

The two Masters who had been heading for the conference room had turned back and were now in range of Happy, their heatguns blasting. Happy had remained true to Dark's charge to hold the line against any attack from the rear. Frightened but staunch, he was standing his ground, waving his own heat beam at the approaching pair of Masters.

"Will the doors hold?" The Chief's mouth quirked. "They'll need demolition equipment to break them down," he said. "All these have are heatguns and tear gas. One of the observers farther downtown said he saw a tank heading this way, but if they don't already know there are innocent customers in here, Childress will tell them." "Then everybody gets away but Childress?" "We hope.

"This man is my prisoner, and I'm going to have to keep him in custody here for two days and a half, until help arrives from Mars City. I'd like for you to arm a couple of dependable men with heatguns and assign them to help me guard him." Gren shook his head.

The beams of five heatguns focussed on Old Beard, and he died in a burst of flame that flared from wall to wall of the narrow corridor. Appalled at his father's sudden death, Dark almost leaped after him, to attack the five survivors single-handed. But Maya grasped his arm. "No, Dark!" she urged. "Please don't!"

"I don't want to be safe until you are. Please let me stay, Dark." "All right," Dark surrendered. "Shadow, give her your heatgun." The five of them left the room together. They emerged into a scene of incredible carnage. The Jellies, with only three heatguns which they were inept at using, had been no match for the Masters.