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I should indeed be a great actress if at any time I could find a gesture expressing profound misery with such truth." Pasta's next remarkable impersonation was that of Armando in "Il Crociato in Egitto," written by Meyerbeer for Signor Velluti, the last of the race of male sopranos.

"La bizarrerie des loix," says Mercier, "et la varieté des coutumes font que l'avocat le plus savant devient un ignore des qu'il se trouve en Gasgogne, ou en Normandie. Il perd a Vernon, un procés qu'il avoit gagné a Poissy.

Il Viaggio A Reims was played. Le Moniteur, apropos of this work, said: "It is an opera of a mould which, under the forms of the Opera Buffa, presents some ideas not destitute of comedy, in which homage of love and respect is at times expressed with an art that French taste cannot disavow.

Who tried only yesterday to prevent you from allowing it, only yesterday?" "Oh, hier il avait tant d'esprit, I was so reckoning on him; and then he has such manners. I thought with him and Karmazinov... Only think! "Yes, only think.

Not knowing the least what he meant, she replied: "Si: tante grazie." He looked puzzled for a moment and then repeated his question in English. "In what deestrict of Italy 'ave you voyaged most?" Lucia understood that: so did Mrs Weston, and Lucia pulled herself together. "In Rome," she said. "Che bella citta! Adoro Roma, e il mio marito. Non e vere, Peppino?"

«Le vaste base de ces monts accumulés n'est qu'un composé des débris des montagnes supérieures; on rencontre ici des granits roulés, composés de quartz, de feld-spath, et de mica; des graviers et des sables provenant de la décomposition des granits des pierre calcaire grise, puis de grosse masses de granit arrondies, dont il seroit difficile d'assigner l'origine, puisque toutes les montagnes

The statue of Lorenzo must ever rank as one of the world's masterpieces. The Italians call it "Il Pensiero." The sullen strength of the attitude gives one a vague ominous impulse to get away. Some one has said that it fulfils Milton's conception of Satan brooding over his plans for the ruin of mankind.

At recreation-time in the garden Janey ran up to ask how she had got on. "J'ai, tu as, il a," said Bessie, and laughed with radiant audacity. Her phantoms were already vanishing into thin air. Not many French girls were yet present. The next noon-day they were doubled. By Saturday all were come, and answered to their names when the roll was called, the great and dreadful Miss Hiloe amongst them.

To me she is a mystery." "No doubt. She is to everybody." "What did you mean by that expression?" he demanded. "Do tell me. I am very anxious to know your opinion of her, and something about her. I have a very earnest motive in trying to discover who and what she really is." "If I told you I should offend Il Passero," replied the girl simply.

A very different matter is it with ze Ving-y-Ving and Il Signor Smees we may be said to know him have seen his papers, and the vice-governatore and myself have examined him, as it might be, on the history and laws of his island, for England is an island, neighbors, as well as Elba; another reason for respect and amity but we have gone over much of the literature and history of Inghilterra together and find everything satisfactory and right; therefore are we bound to show the lugger protection and love."