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It's a very bright play, much better than the muck Oscar Wilde wrote, not so melodramatic, and tons better than anything Bernard Shaw has written. It's all about me. We've got an old woman called Clutters to housekeep for us. I chose her on account of her name, and it is a piece of good luck that she cooks extraordinarily well.

I would go to school, and practise, and housekeep, and club; all in their proper proportions " Here Patty glanced at her father. "You see, if I had the proportions right, all would go well." "Well, perhaps," said Mr. Fairfield, "if we had a competent cook and a tidy little waitress, we could get along without a professional housekeeper.

Take Prossy Riggs alongside of me here for instance! HE'S made the biggest strike yet, and is puttin' up a high-toned house on the hill. Well! he'll hev it finished off and furnished slap-up style, you bet! with a Chinese cook, and a Biddy, and a Mexican vaquero to look after his horse but he won't have no mother to housekeep!

Diademy calls 'em in 'n' gives 'em a cooky every time they go past, 'n' they eat as if they was famished. Rube Hobson never was any kind of a pervider, 'n' he's consid'able snug besides." "He ain't goin' to better himself much," said Almira. "Eunice Emery ain't fit to housekeep for a cat.

Now, look here, wouldn't this be fun?" Polly's black eyes began to dance. "You know how fond I always was of housekeeping. Let me housekeep every second week. Give me the money and let me buy every single thing and pay for it, and don't interfere with me whatever I do. I'll promise to be as good as gold always, and obey you in every single thing, if only I have this safety-valve.

"He's well to do, Tom says, and stands respectable with the business-men," the mother commented to Susan; "and Gertrude 'pears fond of him, and he does of her; so I can't see any good reason why they shouldn't marry if they want one another. Anyhow, it's better for girls to marry and settle down and learn to housekeep " "Yes, yes," cried Susan's heart with pathetic impatience, "it's better, but "

It is he that might do this easel." "Just the thing! Only he couldn't get the materials together, I fear wait! Where does he live?" "In a leetle house back behind of the Vorks, and a seester zat ees older do housekeep, I believe. She is not good." Marie spoke reluctantly, and turned sad eyes upon Joyce. "Oh! that is dreadful," cried the latter. "Perhaps ah! a ring."

"I knew our week at this hotel was out to-morrow," she continued, "and we've about used up this place, anyway, and the new village that I've b'en to is the prettiest place we've seen yet; it's got an up-and-down hill to it, just like home, and the house I've partly rented is opposite a fair green, where there's a market every week, and Wednesday's the day; and we'll save money, for I shan't cost you so much when we can housekeep."

"But you really can't housekeep, Polly. Of course I'd like to please you, and father said himself you were to help me in the house. But to manage everything why, it frightens me, and I am two years older." "But you have so very little spirit, darling. Now it doesn't frighten me a bit, and that's why I'm so certain I shall succeed splendidly.

"Perhaps I could git a boy to help out; I've been kind o' thinkin' o' that lately. What wages would you expect if I paid a boy for the rough work?" asked the Deacon tremulously. "Well, to tell the truth, I don't quite fancy the idea of taking wages. Judge Dickinson wants me to go to Alfred and housekeep for him, and I'd named twelve dollars a month.