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I have to housekeep, to receive visitors, to write notes about nothing, and to think of the future. We can say half-past four or any later hour that may suit you." "Agreed. And now, Marian " "Dont let me disturb you," said Miss McQuinch, at his elbow, to Marian; "but Mrs. Leith Fairfax will be here with Sholto Douglas presently; and I thought you might like to have an opportunity of avoiding him.

Bel laughed, and said she was "all puckered up into one little admiration point!" After that, it was of no use to be wise and to make objections. "I'll take you right in with me, and look after you, if you do!" said Miss Bree. "And two together, we can housekeep real comfortable!"

"I wonder how long he's likely to live," she thought, glancing at him covertly, out of the tail of her eye. "His evil temper must have driven more than one nail in his coffin. I wonder, if I refuse to housekeep, whether I 'll get a better offer. I wonder if I could manage him if I got him!

I'll drink some tea, please, if you have got any, and it isn't too much trouble; and it strikes me as very curious you like living in this really very humiliating state. 'I don't intend to go out for a governess, if that's what you mean; nor is there any privation in living as I do. Perhaps you think I ought to go and housekeep for you. 'Why ha, ha! I really don't know, Radie, where I shall be.

'Lottie's quite a good little girl, you know, but she's so young barely twenty and she can't cook or sew or housekeep or do any of those things which my mother approves. But she dances wonderfully and kicks higher than anyone else in the chorus 'And you want me to make your mother appreciate the . . . the . . . high kicks? broke in Marion rather bitterly.

I don't expect you'll talk about poisoning when you have eaten my cheesecakes. And father, dear father, you will let Paul and Virginia come? Nell and I meant to speak to you yesterday about them, but you were out all day. With me to housekeep, and Nell to look after everybody, you needn't have the smallest fear about Paul and Virginia; they can come and they can line your pockets, can't they?"

There can't be waste going on in the house I won't have it, not when I housekeep, at any rate. Susan, wasn't that a little round speck of a hole in that towel? Ah, I thought so. You put it aside, Susan, you'll have to darn it this afternoon. Now then, let me see, let me see."

I never thought that Polly's experience would upset the household economy in so marked a manner. I am really annoyed, for I certainly gave her leave to housekeep for a week." "It isn't as I minds youth, Dr. Maybright," continued Mrs. Power.

'What a treat father will have at meals! 'Oh! I can easily get round mother, said Milly with confidence. 'I can't housekeep, and ma knows that perfectly well. 'Well, father will forget all about it in a week or two, that's one comfort, Ethel concluded the matter. 'Are you going down to Burgesses to see Harry? she inquired, observing Milly put on her hat. 'Yes, said Milly.

Indeed at five-and-forty she was rather set in her ways, disliked noise and bustle, and could not bear to have a house "torn up," as she phrased it. Twelve years before she had come here to "housekeep," as the old phrase went. She had not lacked admirers, but she had been very particular. Her sisters said she was a born old maid. There was in her soul a great love of refinement and order. Mr.