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Updated: August 29, 2024

Do be rational! Ancrum sprang up, hobbled with unusual alacrity across the room, and, laying hold of David, made a feint of ejecting his visitor. 'You get along and leave me to my wittles! he said with the smile of a schoolboy; 'I don't spy on you when you're at your meals. David crossed his arms. 'I shall have to send Lucy down every morning to housekeep with Mrs. Elsley, he said firmly.

So you'll be quite surrounded by friends, not to say adherents." "Call on me to housekeep for you at any time," cried Polly gayly. "I'll begin to roll up my sleeves as soon as I get dressed to- morrow." That weird three-part drama in the plaza which had so puzzled Miss Polly Brewster had developed in this wise:

My youngest daughter has married Mark Wilson against my will, an' gone away from town, an' the older one's chosen a husband still less to my likin'. Do you want to come and housekeep for me?" "I surmised something was going on," re-turned Mrs. Tillman. "I saw Patty and Mark drive away early this morning, with Mr. and Mrs.

"I would housekeep for you, and you could work as much as you pleased. Our life would be a long idyll." "My love," he said, shaking his head as she looked beseechingly at him, "I have too much Manchester cotton in my constitution for long idylls. And the truth is, that the first condition of work with me is your absence. When you are with me, I can do nothing but make love to you. You bewitch me.

'Maybe but you won't get it yet. Sit down and let's see what I can do for you. I'm certain sure Mr. Beeton cheats you, now that you can't go through the housekeeping books every month. Isn't that true? 'You'd better come and housekeep for me then, Bessie. 'Couldn't do it in these chambers you know that as well as I do.

Midden the woman who opened my house for me hasn't been able to get me a cook, and we'll either have to take our meals at a boarding-house across the street, or I shall have to put to practise the lessons you gave me. I am so glad you made me learn how to housekeep and to cook, because I am certain that I shall have greater need of both of these accomplishments than of either drawing or music.

"Come over and stop with us a bit until you can make some plans. There's two rooms upstairs in which you could housekeep if you wanted to. Our family gets smaller all the time. But if you liked to live with us a spell " said Mr. Leverett. "I don't know how 'Lizabeth could stand an old woman and a young one" hesitatingly. "If you mean Doris, she is going over to Winthrop's," he replied.

Money doesn't go half as far as it does in Dinwiddie. The price of meat is almost three times as much as it is at home, and chickens are so expensive that we have them only twice a week. It is hard to housekeep on a small allowance, and now that we have to save for the baby's coming, I have to count every penny.

We will still be husband and wife; we will take a small lodging, and you shall housekeep and live in-doors. I, as the rougher and the more alert, will continue my father's trade, and seek work at the tailors' shops." I could think of no better plan, so we followed this out. In a back street at Frankfort we found two furnished rooms to let on a sixth story.

"And that dress," glancing at where the hem was torn, and where the body gaped open for want of sufficient hooks, "looks just the costume I should recommend for the matron of a large establishment. Do you know what it means to housekeep for this family, Polly?"

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