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Enraghty he scolded 'em, and told 'em to hesh up, or they'd be in danger of hell-fire; but they didn't, and the Good Old Man he begun to cry. It was awful, mother." "Go on, Joey. Don't stop." "Well, he'd been prayin' a good deal, off and on, and actin' like he wasn't in his right senses, sometimes, talkin' to hisself, and singin' his hymn that one, you know "

The old woman had put guile into her pipe as well as tobacco, and she hoped its smoke would blind suspicious eyes if any were hunting for a stray Yankee. Chunk's pone and bacon had been put near the fire to keep warm, and Scoville looked at the viands longingly. At last he ventured to whisper, "Aun' Jinkey, I am as hungry as a wolf." "Hesh!" said the old woman softly.

"The idee of axin' fur a meracle at this late day, so ez ye kin be satisfied in yer mind ez ye hev got grace! Providence, though merciful, air obleeged, ter know ez sech air plumb scandalous an' redic'lous." "Why, Aurely, hesh up," exclaimed her husband, startled from his wonted leniency. "I hev never hearn ye talk in sech a key, yer voice sounds plumb out o' tune.

Jube was about to reply, but he glanced back into the dense mist with a changing expression. "Hesh up!" he said softly. "What's that?" It was the regular beat of horses' hoofs, coming at a fair pace along the road on the summit of the mountain. The riders were talking excitedly.

"Echo's made a big change around here." The group gravely followed Polly's approving glances. "That she has," assented Mrs. Allen. "Looked a barn when Jack was a bachelor. This certainly is the finest kind of a birthday-present you all could have thought of." "Josephine'll cry in a minute, boys," chuckled Allen. "You hesh up," snapped his wife, glaring at the grinning ranchman.

"Now, you hesh your foolin', Ira," cried his wife, while the younger man's blush admitted unmistakably his feelings. "Don't you mind him, Ida May. Come into the house, now, and you, too, Tunis. We'll have supper in a jiffy." "No," said the captain of the Seamew. "I must be getting on. Aunt Lucretia will be expecting me, for, of course, she saw the schooner heading in for the cove.

"Annabel Coffin said so much the last time she was here that my head buzzes now when I think of her." "Now, you hesh!" said Prudence. "Never can interest a man in such things. So you sold laces, did you, my dear? Oh, Ida May!" she exclaimed suddenly to Sheila, sitting on the other side of the table. "Ida May, what did you say you sold in that store? You worked for Hoskin & Marl, didn't you?"

He thought Boney was talking of some kind of feed. "An' when I say outrages and injuries" Boney waved his tail furiously "I mean 'em, too. Great Oats! That's just what I do mean, plain an' straight." "The gentleman talks quite earnest," said Tuck, the mare, to Nip, her brother.There's no doubt thinkin' broadens the horizons o' the mind. His language is quite lofty." "Hesh, sis," Nip answered.

"Don't it beat all?" queried the captain, shaking his head reflectively, as he resumed his seat. "Don't it beat all? For old folks, Prue, we do certainly seem to be popular." "Oh, you hesh!" exclaimed his wife. But Sheila giggled delightedly. The way Cap'n Ira handled the several visitors who thereafter came to Wreckers' Head continued to amuse the girl immensely. Nor did the visits cease.

"The receipt!" he shouts, "the receipt! Allah preserve us! the receipt; Hesh met-i-Molk." The worthy khan is afflicted with a keen consciousness of coming punishment awaiting him at Beerjand, should I happen to come to grief while under his protection, and he, no doubt, suffers an agony of apprehension during the fifteen minutes I am battling with the rapid current of the Harood.