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Updated: August 7, 2024

He was one of those who had bet on Hatrack, and Ted recognized him as the foreman of the Running Water horse ranch. "Well, the gal stole the race fer these fellers, an' we ain't goin' ter stand fer it. They needn't think they kin bring any o' their gals in here to do their dirty work. They all look alike to us." "See here," said Ted coolly, "let me give you a piece of advice.

He's a gambler, and is in league with a bunch of gamblers in this town." "How do you know?" asked Ben. "How do I know? Why, man alive, they're betting on Magpie all over town. The tip seems to have gotten out that Bud Morgan and the broncho boys have a surprise up their sleeves, and that they are going to ring in another horse than Hatrack." "How is that?"

She cast a friendly glance on the golden-oak hatrack as she passed for O'Hara had risen in her regard since she had discovered that he had not selected the furniture on the first floor and then stopping for a few moments on the front steps, she closed her eyes, and inhaled the fragrance of the mignonette in the window box.

Ye'll git all that's comin' ter yer when ther race starts. Save yer sweat until then." But Hatrack thought differently, and before they were halfway to Snyder it took all the efforts of Bud in the lead and Ben, Kit, and Clay Whipple in the rear, to keep him moving in a forward direction. Only enough boys were left with the herd to keep it from scattering.

An Indian jockey is the shrewdest of his class, and is an adept at all the tricks of the trade. "Hi! Look at the livin' skeleton!" Bud swung around in his saddle and stared at a cow-puncher standing on the sidewalk in Snyder, as he rode into town dragging behind him the dejected Hatrack, who looked as if he had been living on two oats for dinner and a spear of grass for supper all his life.

The old, familiar, battered black-walnut hatrack of his student days leaned drunkenly against the wall Thornton knew one of its back legs was missing and on the imitation marble slab was a telegram addressed to "Professor Benjamin Hooker." And also, instinctively, Thornton lifted up his adult voice and yelled: "O-o-h, ye-ay! Bennie Hooker!" The volume of his own sound startled him.

You can handle them mitts o' yours right handy." A score of men had rushed up and surrounded Ted and Kit, all shouting and gesticulating at the same time. Meantime, Ben was having his troubles in the judges' stand. He had, of course, decided in favor of Hatrack, while the big man had declared for a foul and no decision, and the third judge stood wavering.

Several races between Indian ponies took place to keep the crowd amused until the big race of the day was to come off. "They've been working us," said Ted, coming up to where Stella and the boys were standing beside Hatrack, which looked more sad and dejected than ever. "In what way?" asked Bud. "This race is a gambling game to get the money away from the innocents," answered Ted.

Ben was appointed judge, with a large man, apparently a stranger in the town, who was chosen by Norris, and the two selected a third. The third man was a stranger to Ben, but he picked him out of the crowd, and the other judge accepted him. As Stella climbed into the saddle, Hatrack gave two or three kittenish jumps, and the crowd yelled.

"I s'pose as these are two-legged animals they count as birds," said King. "Yes," said Mr. Maynard, "all bipeds count alike." As Marjorie made a dive for a tiger which she saw in the lower part of the hall hatrack, somebody else dived for it at the very same moment. It was Delight, and both girls sat suddenly down on the floor, laughing at their bumped heads.

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