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Updated: August 7, 2024

There's absolutely no law prohibiting my using the horns of the moon for a hatrack if I feel so disposed!"

He forwarded a wedding present by express and hoped they would be very happy, etc. The present was an elaborate hatrack of polished buffalo horns, mounted on red plush, with an inset mirror. Young Thomas set it up on the kitchen table and scowled moodily at his reflection in the mirror. If wedding presents were beginning to come, it was high time something was done.

As she approached her mother's door, Charley came out, glanced at her sheepishly, and hurried to where his hat hung on the walnut hatrack in the front hall. Then, as if overcoming his first impulse to avoid her, he beckoned to her furtively, and said in a sepulchral whisper: "Gabriella, be very careful what you say to her." The audacity of it!

All this is draped, hung, and otherwise disposed over his figure by means of a web harness having more hooks than a hatrack. He parallels the old-time knight only in the matter of the steel helmet and the rifle, which, with the bayonet, corresponds to the lance, sword, and battle-ax, three in one. The modern soldier carries all his worldly goods with him all the time. He hates to hike.

Barbara stopped the sobbing confessions with a kiss and took Georgina's jacket from the hatrack. "Here," she said. "It's bad for you to sit in the house all day and listen to grown people talk. Slip into this and run outdoors with your skipping rope a while.

On a gigantic hatrack like a withered tree hung coats and hats in dark bunches, brightened with a few military coats and gold-braided caps. As Max and Sanda appeared, an officer youngish, dark, sharp-featured, with a small waxed moustache and near-sighted black eyes turned hastily away from a window, and with a stride added his cap and cloak to the hatrack's burden.

It had not expected this added feature to the race, a girl jockey. Shout after shout went up as she rode over the course slowly, Hatrack having settled down into his usual dejected manner. The cheers and some of the jeers that greeted him came from the men who had been induced to bet on him. "Now, Stella," said Bud, as Stella rode back again, "when you start, shout 'Vamose! in Hatrack's ear.

The air fairly shook with the shouts of the multitude as the two horses shot forward. But it was a short race, and seemed to Stella to have ended almost as soon as it began. As she flew past Bud, she got a fleeting glimpse of him jumping up and down in a very ecstasy of glee, and she knew that she had won, and began pulling in Hatrack.

She had brought her bonnet and sacque down-stairs with her, and was transferring them from the hatrack to her person while she talked.

Her father peering behind the dresser. "Where's Lilly?" "Here I am!" Herself hugging up her knees in their stout ribbed stockings, her round gaze on the red-glass globe with the warts blown into it. There it was, that same glass globe around the puny light; and the hatrack the one with the seat that opened for rubbers and school bags. "Gramaw, come out. Here is some one."

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