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Updated: August 23, 2024

I might even have a caravan pitch its tents alongside the Tombs." "You can't lay it on too strong," declared Mr. Tutt. "But you don't need to go off Washington Street. And, Bonnie, remember I want every blessed Turk, Greek, Armenian, Jew, Arab, Egyptian and Syrian that saw Sardi Babu kill Kasheed Hassoun." "You mean who saw Kasheed Hassoun kill Sardi Babu," corrected Bonnie.

It was about nine o'clock in the evening, and they were talking politics and drinking coffee and smoking cigarettes. Suddenly Kasheed Hassoun, accompanied by a smaller and much darker man, had entered and striding up to the table exclaimed in a threatening manner: "Where is he who did say that he would spit upon the beard of my bishop?"

I'll harry you and fluster you and heckle you and make a fool of you, and I'll roll you up in a ball and blow you out the window, and turn old Hassoun loose for an Egyptian holiday that will make old Rome look like thirty piasters! You pinheaded, pretentious, pompous, egotistical, niminy-piminy " "Well, well, Mr.

As he sat at his shiny oaken desk and pressed the button that summoned the stenographer it seemed to him the simplest thing in the world to satisfy any jury of what had taken place and the summit of impudent audacity on the part of Mr. Tutt to have suggested that Hassoun should be dealt with otherwise than a first-degree murderer.

Eset reared, shook her neck, gave a defiant grunt and swiftly withdrew her head into the attic. Sophie Hassoun, the wife of Kasheed, seeing the violent change in Eset's complexion, wrung her hands. "What hast thou done, O daughter of devils? Thou art bleeding! Thou hast cut thyself! Alack, mayhap thou wilt die, and then we shall be ruined! Improvident! Careless one! Cursed be thy folly!

Each swore by all that was holy that Kasheed Hassoun had done exactly as outlined by Assistant District Attorney Pepperill and swore it word for word, verbatim et literatim, in iisdem verbis, sic, and yet again exactly. Their testimony mortised and tenoned in a way to rejoice a cabinet-maker's heart. And at first to the surprise and later to the dismay of Mr.

Thereupon Sardi Babu had risen and answered: "Behold, I am he." Immediately Kasheed Hassoun, and while his accomplice held them at bay with a revolver, had leaned across the table and grabbing Sardi by the throat had broken his neck. Then the smaller man had fired off his pistol and both of them had run away. The simplest story ever told.

"And what is your name?" "George Nasheen Assad," answered the boy, showing a set of white teeth. "Well, George," continued the attorney, "what has become of Kasheed Hassoun?" "Oh, he's down at Coney Island. He runs a caravan. He has six camels. I go there sometimes and he lets me ride for nothing. I know who you are," said the little Syrian confidently, as he took the cake.

"I no swear ever!" "And tell what you saw?" "I tell what I saw." "What did you see?" "I saw Hassoun break heem hees neck." "Didn't you say first that Hassoun stabbed Babu?" "No nevvair!" "Then didn't you come back and say he shot him?" "No nevvair!" "And finally, didn't you say he strangled him after you had heard that the coroner's physician had decided that that was how he was killed?"

Mr. William Montague Pepperill's jaw dropped as if he had seen the ghost of one of his colonial ancestors. He could not believe that he had heard Mr. Tutt correctly. Why, the old lawyer had the thing completely turned round! Sardi Babu hadn't gone to the restaurant. He had been in the restaurant, and it had been Kasheed Hassoun who had gone there.

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