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So one of them took the handbag and the other had to content himself with the novel, which made me wish I had brought a portmanteau as well, if only for the look of the thing. The pair thus burdened, escorted me up the steps and delivered me over to the butler who scanned me with a critical eye. I scanned him also and perceived that he was a very fine specimen of his class.

"I will tell you the whole thing if you care to listen," I returned, reflecting that my newly made friend might give me some material assistance in my quest. "Then come into the house." "I'd better shut the alley gate first," said I, and running down I did so, and picked up my handbag as well. Mr. Harrison led the way inside.

He himself did what he hadn't done before; he took two or three times whole days off irrespective of others, of two or three taken with Miss Gostrey, two or three taken with little Bilham: he went to Chartres and cultivated, before the front of the cathedral, a general easy beatitude; he went to Fontainebleau and imagined himself on the way to Italy; he went to Rouen with a little handbag and inordinately spent the night.

Señor Ortega stood waiting patiently with his handbag, like a rescued wayfarer. “But you live in this house, don’t you?” he observed. “No,” I said, without hesitation. I didn’t know how that man would behave if he were aware that I was staying under the same roof. He was half mad. He might want to talk all night, try crazily to invade my privacy. How could I tell?

Rhoda and her travelling companions, being all "blue," were among the first to drive off, each girl clutching the handbag which contained the immediate necessities of her toilet, and chattering away at the pitch of her voice. "Square Face" was evidently the wag of the party, and was treated with an admiring deference which seemed to bespeak a position of importance.

Trigger opened her eyes, twisted about, slid her legs over the edge of the table, came down on her feet, stood. "I want my gun and the handbag," she announced. She saw them again then, on the shelf, walked over and picked up the plasmoid container. She looked inside, snapped it shut and slung the strap over her shoulder. She picked up the Denton, looked at its setting, spun it and turned.

She gathered up a few things of her own, however, to take from the bedroom to the dining-room, and as she walked ahead, Stephen asked Victoria if, in the handbag she had brought from the Zaouïa there was a mirror. "Yes," she answered. "There's quite a good-sized one, which I used to have on my dressing-table in the theatre. How far away that time seems now!"

Some of the Central Grammar boys nearby were impolite enough to laugh incredulously. "Oh, I've dropped my handbag into the river!" exclaimed one woman to another suddenly, at the end of the pier. The other woman turned, giving a quick, startled glance toward the water. "I -I don't know how it happened," gasped the loser. "There it is, away down the stream, floating toward that boathouse.

His left hand reached for the bag, and in a moment Dave had it in his custody. Not a man of the Vera Cruz police force was in sight, to whom to turn the wretch over, so Darrin flung the fellow from him. That the handbag had not been opened Darrin was sure, for he had kept his eye upon it through the chase. Going to the ground in a heap, the Mexican thief was upon his feet instantly.

"I'll leave these papers in the desk here," she thought, taking her keys from her handbag. She unlocked the top drawer and was about to place the papers on top of those which already lay there, when suddenly she paused and her eyes opened wide. On the top letter in her drawer a grey tinted sheet was a scattered mound of cigarette ash. "Somebody's been here snooping," she thought.