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But most of their thoughts, and all their energies, were occupied with the little gifts they intended to make themselves; and herein lay a difficulty. Joy's father always supplied her bountifully with spending money; Gypsy's stock was small. When Joy wanted to make a present, she had only to ask for a few extra dollars, and she had them.

"I've been a vagabond and a blackguard in my time," returned the other, fiercely; "I've been a street tumbler, a tramp, a gypsy's boy! I've sung for half-pence with dancing dogs on the high-road! I've worn a foot-boy's livery, and waited at table! I've been a common sailors' cook, and a starving fisherman's Jack-of-all-trades! What has a gentleman in your position in common with a man in mine?

Then came a something in the girl's eyes the like of which I had seen in no other Gypsy's eyes, though I had known well the Gypsies who used to camp near Rington Manor, not far from Raxton, for my kinsman Percy Aylwin, the poet, had lately fallen in love with Winnie's early friend, Rhona Boswell. It was not exactly an 'uncanny' expression, yet it suggested a world quite other than this.

She was folding up the tablecloth, and she stopped with a puzzled look. 'An address? Whose? There! never mind now; if you know, you can tell me to-morrow. Preparation The Room Furnished Mrs Gray at Work The Baby Gone The Gypsy Mother The Gypsy's Story A Foolish Fancy Something Has Happened The Real Baby

Once Gypsy seized the basket of clothespins with her teeth, and rising on her hind legs, pawing the air with her fore feet followed Kitty clear up to the scullery steps. That part of the yard was shut off from the rest by a gate; but no gate was proof against Gypsy's ingenuity. She could let down bars, lift up latches, draw bolts, and turn all sorts of buttons.

Gypsy looked on without a single pang of envy, contrasting them with her own plain, neat things, of course, but glad, in Gypsy's own generous fashion, that Joy had them. "I had pretty enough things when you were in Boston," said Joy, unfolding her heavy black dresses with their plain folds of bombazine and crape. "Now I can't wear anything but this ugly black.

570 The White Wolf of the Gaitees; or, A Mystery of the Mountain. By Allan Arnold. 571 The Senator's Secretary; or, The Brightest Boy in Washington. By Allyn Draper. 572 Whirlwind Jack; or, Captain Heald's Boy Messenger. By Gen'l Jas. A. Gordon. 573 The Gypsy's Son; or, The Double Life. By Howard Austin. 574 The Transient Island; or, Cast Away in the Sooth Sea. By Capt. Thos. H. Wilson.

Haggard, when in the first vigour of youth he had come to take up his ministry in Cuckmere thirty years since: One brilliant morning in early June, some two months after she had brought the gypsy's mare back to Putnam's on the evening of the Polefax Meeting, Boy rose early and stood humming the lines as she dressed, to a simple little tune she had composed for them.

He will suspect something," he said. "Peter," observed my tutor gravely, as we went homeward, "whatever you may think of what has passed to-day, say nothing. I am not so ignorant of the wrongs of that poor boy as I appear, but there is nothing for it but patience." II. A Gypsy's Curse In a few days I was in possession of an excellent horse, and Marmaduke had the like fortune.

"But how did you make the acquaintance of Corporal Henry Burton, Miss Arnold?" I asked. "I was riding back from the fort, sir, where I had been to mail some letters, and my pony, Gypsy, lost a shoe and came near falling. The stumble caused me to drop a package, and Mr. Burton chanced to come up and restore it to me, and he also picked up Gypsy's shoe.