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Updated: August 26, 2024

So they wandered away and away, deeper into the heart of the forest, through moss and tufted grasses, and tangles of mountain flowers, chatting as girls will, in their silly, merry way, with now and then a flash of graver thought like this of Gypsy's. "You're sure you know the way back," said Joy, presently. "Oh, yes; I've been over it forty times.

There was a gleam of triumph in the gypsy's face as he said this, but it was quickly followed by a scowl when the woman said "Well, and much you have made of it. Here is the brat come back at the end o' five years, to spoil our harvest!" "How could I know he'd do that?

It was a little shake, and, if it had been given in good temper, would not have struck Winnie as anything but a pleasant joke. But he knew, from Gypsy's face, it was no joke; and, feeling his dignity insulted, down he went flat upon the floor with a scream and a jerk that sent two fresh buttons flying off from his jacket. Mrs. Breynton ran up-stairs in a great hurry. "What's the matter, Gypsy?"

Another of those terrible dinner-companies, and her aunt so angry at her! It was too much she could not bear it! She looked about the room twice, passed her hand over her forehead, and her face flushed quickly. One of Gypsy's sudden and often perilous resolutions was made. No one came to the room.

I crept away to the stable, and, throwing my arms about Gypsy's neck, sobbed aloud. She too had come from the sunny South, and was now a stranger in a strange land. The little mare seemed to realize our situation, and gave me all the sympathy I could ask, repeatedly rubbing her soft nose over my face and lapping up my salt tears with evident relish. When night came, I felt still more lonesome.

"I suppose it'll be all right for you to take orders from me?" "I reckon so." "I want you to ride into Crawling Water. Get a buckboard there and bring Mrs. Purnell out to my place. Tell her that her daughter is there, and she'll come. Come now, little girl." He caught Dorothy in his arms and lifted her on to Gypsy's back. "All right, boys, and much obliged."

These were questions that might well puzzle a more systematic mind than Gypsy's. However, in due time, the room was restored to an order that was delightful to see, for, if Gypsy made up her mind to a thing, she could do it thoroughly and skilfully, and she returned to the bureau drawer.

If you will, monsieur, take him this letter so that my mother may see him before she closes her eyes." "Give it me," said David, eagerly. "But shall I let you return home through the streets alone so late? "No, no fly. Each moment is like a precious jewel. Some time," said the lady, with eyes long and cozening, like a gypsy's, "I will try to thank you for your goodness."

Cousin Mary Ann received her hospitably, and the evening and the night passed quickly away. Mrs. Surly was very curious, and somewhat suspicious on the subject of Gypsy's return to Yorkbury, under such peculiar circumstances.

Joy took her pretty, purple-bordered handkerchief and tied it over the poor kitten's head like a nightcap, so tight that, pull and scratch as she might, pussy could not get it off. Gypsy's black silk apron was tied about her, like a long baby-dress, a pair of mittens were fastened on her arms, and a pink silk scarf around her throat.

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