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Updated: August 8, 2024

Some gravely bowed their heads, others burst into guffaws. The G.M. often puzzled his staff in that way. All were anxious to do the right thing by him, but he made it so difficult to tell what the right thing was. But, as I went down the basement stairs to change my coat in the clerks' locker-room, I understood from the G.M.'s words how humiliating my position was.

Heaven defend me from those meaningless palaces! But the little old music-halls have always attracted me by their unpretentious raciness, their quaint monotony, the reality of the enjoyment on all those stolidly rapt faces in the audience. Without that monotony there would not be the same air of general enjoyment, the same constant guffaws.

The worst of it all was that some folks had taken notice of her efforts to attract Hugo's attention. The people of Carcajou were good-natured but prone to guffaws. One or two asked her when the wedding would take place, and roared at her indignant denials. In the meanwhile Hugo was utterly ignorant of the feelings that had arisen in Miss Sophy McGurn's bosom.

The little shack awoke to unaccustomed merriment. Lancaster warmed to the storekeeper's genial attentions, and burst into frequent guffaws; Dallas and Marylyn followed his every word, breaking in, from time to time, with little gleeful laughs.

"What of it if she has that bundle? Who gave her that package?" The landlady and the Biscayan could no longer restrain their guffaws, while the little girl stared avidly up at them, trying to make out the meaning of what she heard. "Who gave her that package?" repeated the Biscayan between outbursts. "My dear little girl, we really don't know who gave her that package."

Our wild guffaws of laughter penetrated even Great-aunt Eliza's deafness, and she glanced up with a startled face. What we would have done I do not know had not Felicity at that moment appeared in the doorway with panic-stricken eyes and exclaimed, "Cecily, come here for a moment." Cecily, glad of even a temporary respite, fled to the kitchen and we heard her demanding what was the matter.

"Reckon we haven't got much to do with it," said another, half laughing, half rueful. "There's some things Abe won't stand." From the stairs Stephen saw Mr. Lincoln threading his way through the crowd below, laughing at one, pausing to lay his hand on the shoulder of another, and replying to a rough sally of a third to make the place a tumult of guffaws. But none had the temerity to follow him.

As though such a book as Hints and Helps had never existed, Abner shot for the gate he was but a hobbledehoy fascinated with the idea of playing gentleman. But in Ross there were the makings of a man. For a few half-hearted paces, under the first impulse of horror, he followed his deserting chief, the laughter of the family, the unrestrainable guffaws of the negroes, sounding in the rear.

Nicholson himself had a great fund of humour, of the Scots order intellectual, turning on the observation of men; his own character, for instance if he could have seen it in another would have been a rare feast to him; but his son's empty guffaws over a broken plate, and empty, almost light-headed remarks, struck him with pain as the indices of a weak mind. The intimacy was gall to Mr.

Easy enough when you are used to one." The speaker laid his left hand lightly on the hilt of his own, pressed it down a little, and stood in a stiff, deportment-taught attitude, as if asking the other to study him as a model. "But you mustn't burst out into guffaws like that in the Palace." "Seems as if you mustn't do anything you like here," said the younger lad. "Wish I was back at Winchester."

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