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Missis Marie was telling me about that awful scourge that, sir. No, the poor chaps are wide-awake enough. Groanin', and off their heads too, mostly." "Have you called Mr. Oscard?" "No, sir." "Call him and Mr. Durnovo." "Met Mr. Durnovo, sir, goin' out as I came in." In a few moments Jack joined Durnovo and Oscard, who were talking together on the terrace in front of the house.

Thet while you're groanin' at class-meetin' and Hiram's quo'llin' with Dad, and Joe Masters waitin' round to pick up any bone that's throwed him, that sneakin', hypocritical Yankee school-master is draggin' your daughter to h-ll with him on the sly." "Quit that, Seth Davis," said Mrs. McKinstry sternly, "or be man enough to tell it to a man. That's Hiram's business to know."

Well, Jabez said it wuz the sudden change from cold to hot water that had caused the overflow, so we put the biler on the kitchen stove and the caldron kettle in the woodhouse, and het water bilin' hot and filled the empty tank, Josiah groanin' loud as he lugged it up and sayin' when he thought I didn't hear him, "Oh, gracious Heavens! is this two pails a year?"

I didn't find our till he got to wakin' me up nights with his tossin' about an' groanin' in his sleep. There! What'd you call it? Cancer or tumour no two ways about it, eh?" But the quick eye of Walter Merritt Emory had not missed, in passing, the twisted fingers of Kwaque's left hand. Not only was his eye quick, but it was a "leper eye."

Oh, yes, thah wuz considahble groanin' an' wailin' an' sich like, an' a whole passel o' sinnahs come furwa'd to be prayed fur; but I could see thet Brothah Ranson wuz disapp'inted et the lack o' 'citement, an' thet he wuz fixin' to mek a big jump uv some sort.

But Roseen was too much excited to heed the last announcement. "Was it this way, the way the rich man was groanin'?" she asked, once more imitating Pat's extraordinary utterances. The old man nodded, and Roseen stood still meditatively scratching one little brown leg with the curved-in toes of the other.

But what frightens me most is that I heard him groanin' very heavy about a quarter of an hour ago, and then I saw him suddenly fling himself into his 'ammock and begin blubberin' like a child. Now, sir, I say, when a grow'd-up man gives way like that, there must be some-think far wrong with his inside. And it's a serious thing, sir, to take a sick man on such a voyage as this."

"Enright an' Peets strolls up; this Miguel is groanin' an' mournin' an' cryin' 'Marie, Madre de Dios! When he sees who downs him, he drags himse'f to Enright an' begs a heap abject for his life. With that, Enright silently lets down the hammer of his rifle. "Peets when the sun comes up enjoys himse'f speshul with the opp'ration.

Lathrop, 'n' whether single or two-legged I'd never but wish you well; still, I am a rich woman, 'n' bein' a rich woman, it does seem kind o' hard for me to have to slave back 'n' forth over the fence for six weeks; but, such bein' the case, it strikes me 't, of us two, you certainly ain't the one 's 'd ought to be doin' the groanin'." Mrs. Lathrop appeared contrite and dumb.

I didn't know exactly what to do, so I went and got some water, but he motioned it away, and wouldn't drink it, but kept on groanin'. "'He mustn't be left here to die without any assistance, thinks I, so I ran off as fast I could to find the doctor. "I found him eatin' dinner "Come quick," says I, "to old Keziah Onthank's. He's dyin', as sure as my name is Jehoshaphat."