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Thar come times, Henry, when my mind just natchally rises up an' rebels ag'in fightin', 'specially when I want to eat or sleep. Ain't thar anythin' else but fight, fight, fight, 'though I 'low a feller hez got to expect a lot uv it out here in the woods?" They picked up the three turkeys, two gobblers and a hen, and found them large and fat as butter.

"I'll tell you," said William, putting his mouth close to her ear, and speaking in a disagreeable loud whisper, "it's the biggest gobbler in the yard." "Ain't you ashamed, William!" cried little Ellen Chauncey. "That's it exactly," said Margaret "always strutting about." "He isn't a bit," said Ellen, very angry; "I've seen people a great deal more like gobblers than he is."

All the pond world knows that and its denizens tremble in the presence of these great-jawed, hook-toothed gobblers of small fry; and that constitutes a proletariat the world over. In fishing time the loneliness of the empty levels of the ice is broken at dawn by the coming of the crows, especially if there have been fishermen the day before.

"Were as sick as Venusian gobblers afterwards," agreed Rip. Light dawned. "Do you mean " began Dane. "So that's it!" flashed Rip. "It might just be," Ali said. "Do you remember how the settlers on Camblyne brought their Terran cattle through the first year? They fed them salt mixed with fansel grass.

And if you'll believe it them gobblers was struttin' around as chesty as if they hadn't lost a feather. "Aren't they just too cute for anything?" demands Vee. "Worse than that," says I, "they look almost as human as so many floor-walkers. I hope they ain't going to be hard on clothes, for my wardrobe wouldn't stand many such raids." "Oh, don't worry about that," says Vee.

It was too bad; yet that was the way in all Turkey families, and the Gobblers couldn't help disliking the children any more than the Hen Turkeys could help wanting to sit in the springtime. By another year the Gobbler would love the young Turkeys dearly. Even now he did not try to strike them, as he might have done a while before.

Kevin Egan rolls gunpowder cigarettes through fingers smeared with printer's ink, sipping his green fairy as Patrice his white. About us gobblers fork spiced beans down their gullets. Un demi setier! A jet of coffee steam from the burnished caldron. She serves me at his beck. Il est irlandais. Hollandais? Non fromage. Deux irlandais, nous, Irlande, vous savez ah, oui!

It is not easy to see at once what objection there could be to certain boys attending the school and yet sleeping in their own homes. But a rooted objection there undoubtedly was all the stronger, perhaps, because no valid reason for it could be stated. Now for a few moments words took the place of missiles. "You you greedy, giggling gobblers you!" This was from Mason, and he was hungry.

Each of the boys had selected the one he intended pursuing; and upon that one alone his eyes became fixed. Basil and Francois followed the gobblers, while Lucien rode at a quiet gallop after the hen. Marengo, of course, took part in the chase, joining in with Lucien whether because he deemed the hen to be "sweeter meat," or that she was likely to be the easiest caught of the three.

We went clear to the rim, and then circled around, and eventually met R.C. and Copple. Together we started to return. Going down a little draw we found water, and R.C. saw where a rock had been splashed with water and was still wet. Then I saw a turkey track upon this rock. We slipped up the slope, with me in the lead. As I came out on top, I saw five big gobblers feeding.