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und zwar bei Vermeidung einer Greturgstrase von Mart oder einer tägten Haftstrase Geen diese Aufforderung kann immerhalb awet Wochen nach Aushändigung bersetbeii Beschwerde bei dem KönigtichenBerrn Bonbrat zu angebracht werden. , den 22 September 1914 Die Polizeiverwaltung.

Dan'l, make him promise he won't hurt me!" "Come!" the doctor commanded again, and Phoby Geen came to them through the pool with his knees knocking together. "Put out your hands, please. Thank you. Dan'l, search, and you'll find a piece of cord in my pocket. Take it, and tie up his wrists." "I never meant you no harm," whined Phoby; but he submitted.

He believed in Mount's Bay keeping its troubles to itself; and in short, knowing the Collector at Fowey to be a pushing fellow, he had passed two days in a proper sweat of remorse, when to his great relief he ran up against Phoby Geen, that was walking the pavement with a scowl on his face and both hands deep in his trousers, he having been told that very morning by Amelia Sanders, and for the twentieth time of asking, that sooner than marry him she would break stones on the road.

With a scream, the poor creature flung himself on his knees. "Don't shoot! Oh, don't shoot!" His voice came across the pool to them in a squeal like a rabbit's. "Eh? Hullo!" said the doctor, but without lowering his gun. "Mr. Deiphobus Geen, I believe?" "Don't shoot! Oh, don't shoot me!" "Be so good as to step across here," the doctor commanded. "You won't hurt me?

Will Richards, Tummels, and young Phoby Geen posted themselves in shelter behind the captain's house, and whenever a shot buried itself in the soft cliff one of them would run with a tubbal and dig it out. Richards called to him to leave out, it was too dangerous. "Now there," said Uncle Bill, "I've been thinkin' of Nan and the hosses this brave while!"

"Nothing more natural," answered the girl cheerfully. "I was just wonderin' where they'd hidden him: but since you know, my trouble's at an end. You can show me the way. Which is it, Mr. Geen north, south, east, or west?" Phoby understood that she was laughing at him.

Pretty carpenter's work Hosking was likely to teach him! Now, after the way of women, the deed was no sooner done than Mrs. Geen began to repent it. She knew very well that her dear boy would run into danger; but she kept her trouble to herself until there arrived at Ardevora a new Methodist preacher called Meakin.

"And now," the doctor turned to Dan'l "leave him to me, step outside and bring word as soon as you hear or glimpse a boat in the offing. At what time, Mr. Geen, are the carriers coming for the tubs out yonder? Answer me: and if I find after that you've answered me false, I'll blow your brains out." "Two in the morning," answered Phoby.

"Don't you think, Miss Sanders," he suggested, "that 'twas pretty rash of you to give folks a clue as you've a-done to-day, and everybody knowing that you've been asked in church with Dan'l?" "I do," said she. "I've behaved foolish, Mr. Geen, and thank you for reminding me.

At first he thought it must be their trampling had woke him out of sleep, but the next moment bang! the room shook all about him, a cloud of smoke drifted up towards him from the Enys Point, and through it, while 'twas clearing, he saw John Carter and another man run to the battery and begin to load again, with Mrs. Geen behind them waving a rammer, and dancing like a paper-woman in a cyclone.