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'Sing to the Lard, ye that gaw down to the sea. An' I'll sing trust me for that, but I must eat fust. I speaks to you, Billy, 'cause you be wan o' God's chosen fools." He stopped abruptly, pressed his hand over his forehead, said something about breaking the news to his wife, and then walked slowly down the quay.

Your faither will chaange, sure as I'm a livin' man, some day. God ban't gwaine to let en gaw down to's graave wi' sich a 'mazin' number o' wrong opinions. Else think o' the wakin' t'other side! Iss, it caan't be. Why, as 'tis, if he went dead sudden, he'd gaw marchin' into heaven as bold as brass, an' bang up to the right hand o' the thrawne! Theer's a situation for a body!

"I've 'ad a 'orrible nightmare, I 'ave a nightmare. See?" He fixed his eyes on me for a moment, then raised himself from his seat, peering narrowly at me across the table. "I seed you before, mate. Gaw, blimey! if you ain't the bloke wot I giv'd the pigtail to! And wot laid out that blasted Chink as was scraggin' me! Shake, mate!"

"Well, you're certainly not that but Oh, Georgie, you don't suppose we have to invite them to dinner at our house now, do we?" "Ouch! Gaw, I hope not!" "See here, now, George! You didn't say anything about it to Mr. Overbrook, did you?" "No! Gee! No! Honest, I didn't! Just made a bluff about having him to lunch some time." "Well.... Oh, dear.... I don't want to hurt their feelings.

"It is the Englishman who brought us the Butteridge machine," said the bird-faced officer in German, and then in a tone of horror, as Bert advanced, "Salute!" and again louder, "SALUTE!" "Gaw!" said Bert, and stopped with a second comment under his breath. He stared and saluted awkwardly and became at once a masked defensive thing with whom co-operation was impossible.

Polly. They came round the bend into sight of Nicholson's ait, where the backwater runs down to the Potwell Mill. And there, after much parley and several feints, Uncle Jim made a desperate effort and struggled into clutch of the overhanging osiers on the island, and so got out of the water with the millstream between them. He emerged dripping and muddy and vindictive. "By Gaw!" he said.

I desoived the second one, for I'm the kind o' guy gets his once and comes back for more in the same place. I'd go tell Jimmie Dyckman I was a liar but I ain't anxious to be run up for poijury, and I ain't achin' to advertise what a John I been. So long, Anitar, and Gaw delp the next guy crosses your pat'." That was the last Kedzie saw of Skip. She did not miss him.

An' you, Mister Hawe, you come along, not satisfied with ropin' an' beatin', an' Gaw knows what else, of thet friendless little Bonita; you come along an' face the lady we fellers honor an' love an' reverence, an' you you Hell's fire!"

It is hard to tell an autobiography of failure and look one's best. "Didn't you tell him you was you were married?" queried Kedzie. "I hadn't the courage." "Courage! Well, I like that! So you're fired! Just like me. Funny! And here we are, married and all. My Gaw " "Here we are, married and all. They'll let me finish the week, but my goose is cooked, I guess.

You don't trust, nor love, nor " "Doan't 'e say that! Never say that! It edn' true. You'm all to me, an' you knaws it right well, an' I'll gaw to the world's end with 'e, I will ay, an' trust 'e wi' my life!" He moved away and she followed, hastening as he hastened. Unutterable desolation marked the spot.