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Your silence and seclusion in the country, at the time when you might be in Paris enjoying all the Parliamentary honors of the Comte de l'Estorade, cause me serious anxiety. You know that your husband's "gift of gab" and unsparing zeal have won for him quite a position here, and he will doubtless receive some very good post when the session is over.

"I am not of their land, neither of their fashion," said the Knight, "which is, as thou well sayest, to GAB of that which they dare not undertake or, undertaking, cannot perfect.

Father Fleming!" repeated Bildy over and over again, as though to familiarize himself with the sound of it. "Aye, aye! He's the boy! He can gab, canna' he? He's the boy to tell us what to dee!" he continued in his broad Scots. "It's extraordinary how well he behaves at Mass or at any rate during the sermon," said Val when he heard the story. "I wish some others were as good!"

I'm perfectly right in my assertion that when I'm away for any length of time, something is sure to happen." Ch'ing Wen heard these remarks. "Sister," she interposed smiling ironically, "since you've got the gift of the gab, you should have come at once; you would then have spared your master his fit of anger.

Gab kept out of his eye though, as he had served the States against England, and was a deserter to boot; and he sent us word directly, that we might know of his being here, though it does not concern us a rope's end. 'So, then, really, and in sober earnest, he is actually in this country, Hatteraick, between friend and friend? asked Glossin, seriously. 'Wetter and donner, yaw!

The barber had to call in extra help, because of the trimming of beards and shaving of chins and cutting of hair that the party entailed. Judge Middleton was chosen to make the speech naming the guest of honor for whom the debut party was given. "He's got the gift of gab," Pete Barnes had said, "but I hope he ain't gonter forget 'twas my idee."

I have known coves with a better gift of the gab, though not many, but he always speaks to the purpose, and understands law thoroughly; and that's not all. When at college, for he has been at college, he carried off everything before him as a Latiner, and was first-rate at a game they call matthew mattocks.

The brush was again dipped in the paint pot and the rear elevation of the pine sailor became sky-blue like the other side of him. Then the tall man asked: "Call you what?" "Gab. That's a divil of a name to call anybody. Last time I was in here Cap'n Sam Hunniwell heard you call me that and I cal'lated he'd die laughin'. Seemed to cal'late there was somethin' specially dum funny about it.

You see I don't resist." "Come, stash your gab, my lad," said Green contemptuously, addressing him just as he would any other of the birds he was accustomed to capture. "It's not your stiff that is wanted, but Captain Dodd's." "Captain Dodd's?" cried the prisoner with a wonderful assumption of innocence. "Ay, the pocket-book," said Green; "here, this! this!"

"Oh, she is. You know who I mean. Why, she's even taught me to cut out slang. Say, Bobby, I didn't know how much like a rough-neck I used to talk. I never opened my yawp but what I spilled a line of fricasseed gab so twisted and frazzled and shredded you could use it to stuff sofa-cushions; but now I've handed that string of talk the screw number. No more slang for your Uncle Biff."