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He's too much gone on her to see anything. She can twist him round and round and tie him up in knots. But Cutler isn't in it now. Queenie's turned him down for that young Noel Fenwick who's got your job. Cutler's nose was a sight, I can tell you. Well, I'm not surprised that Queenie's husband funks her. She's a terror. Worse than war. Good-bye and Good Luck, Old Thing, till we meet again.

I 'll tell you: my Olmer doctor that 's an impudent fellow who rode by staring into my carriage. The window's down. He could see without pushing his hat in. Weyburn looked out after a man cantering on. 'A Mr. Morsfield, he said. 'I thought it was he when I saw him go by. I've met him at the fencing-rooms. He 's one of the violent fencers, good for making his point, if one funks an attack.

I was in a funk this afternoon to know how things were going-one of those sudden, unreasonable funks. But now that I see you" he cut himself short and laughed once more "now that I see you, I'm hanged if I don't want to to prolong your engagement." Loder glanced at him, then glanced away.

The girls there would ask me if the English caballero in the posada was a monk in disguise, or if he had taken a vow to the sancissima madre not to speak to a woman, or whether You can imagine what fairly free-spoken girls will ask when they come to the point of not caring what they say; and it used to vex me. Yes, the governor funks facing women."

But, in most cases, the reckless infamy of these dregs of city vice gave them an immense advantage over a decent citizen; for they could not be defiled nor made ridiculous, and he could. Two or three traders in cheap jewelry and fancy-goods supplied the Funks with their wares.

'I haven't an extra master's certificate. I'm only a passenger. I confess it funks me. Instantly his whole bearing changed to answer the appeal. 'My dear fellow, it's as simple as houses. We're hunting for sixty-five fathom water. Anything short of sixty, with a sou'west wind means but I'll get my Channel Pilot out of my cabin and give you the general idea.

"I don't know the rules of duelling, damnation take them, and I don't want to either; perhaps he'll imagine Laevsky funks it and has sent me to him, but he can think what he likes I'll speak to him." Sheshkovsky hesitatingly walked up to Von Koren with a slight limp, as though his leg had gone to sleep; and as he went towards him, clearing his throat, his whole figure was a picture of indolence.

At this date, in 1862, the system was in a high state of organization and success, and included the following constituents: 1. Eight chief Funks, or capitalists, and managers, whose names are well enough known. I have them on record. About as many more salesmen, who took turns with the chiefs in selling and clerking. Seventy or eighty, rank and file, or ropers-in.

Since he married he considers his life too valuable to be trusted among natives, and funks at going ashore and doing supercargo's work. Now you come below, and I'll rake out enough money to get you a high-class suit of store clothes and shiny boots. Then you come back to dinner. I'll talk to him between then and now. He knows a lot about you.

They'll give us a hot time, I'll bet!" Gregson rose to go on deck. "Oh, well," he said, "it won't be so bad if the James Flint only lifts his hook by Saturday. Here's one bloomin' hombre that funks racin' a fancy whaler! . . . An' doesn't care who knows it, either!"