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But he's always been like that, as long as I can remember. He simply can't stand trouble. It's the only thing he funks. And his funking it wouldn't matter if he'd stand and face it. But he runs away. He's running away now. Say what you like, it's a sort of cowardice." "It's his only fault." "I know it is. But it's a pretty serious one, Anne. And he'll have to pay for it.

"Do you think any of us would go anywhere with a swine like you who does not wash? Dirty hog!" "Of course you would not; you are afraid." At that point Gordon's hatred of taking the second place, which had before led him into difficulties, once again asserted itself. "Damn it all," he thought, "I am not going to be beaten by Rudd!" "Do you say we are all funks if we don't go?" "Yes!"

About the first day of June, 1862, the Peter Funks had eleven dens, or traps, in operation in New York; five in Broadway below Fulton street, and the others in Park row, and Courtlandt, Greenwich, and Chatham streets. The name, Peter Funk, is said to have been that of the founder of their system; but I know nothing more of his career.

"It will be such a miserably hollow affair I'm afraid." "I'm sorry it's not Wren, or Callonby, or one of them," said another of these amiable warriors; "there'd be some pleasure in chawing them up." At this moment up came Pembury, with a very long face. "It's no fight after all, you fellows," said he. "Loman funks it!" "What! he won't fight!" almost shrieked the rest. "It must be wrong."

The General flushed an even deeper purple, and the stick he held perpendicularly slowly rose to horizontal, though he did not raise his hand. He made a loud but wholly inarticulate sound. Haddon Berners, enjoying himself hugely, volunteered the information. "He saw a little grass-snake and yelled out. Then he wept and fainted. Coming round now. Got the funks, poor chap."

He would seem to take me by the throat, saying, 'why don't you laugh why don't you burst with merriment? and then I would force a dismal grin, just to get rid of him. "I said to myself, I will leave this selfish Sahara called the city and county of New York I will leave its dust, dirt, carts, confusion, bulls, bears, Peter Funks, Jeremy Diddlers, and, best of all, the Funny Fellow.

'For God's sake, Star, he said, always called me Star, 'don't go back on me, but you know family affairs another woman, beautiful creature, etc., etc., yes, sir, perfectly common, but a blank mistake. When a man once funks his own name he'll turn tail on anything. Sorry for this man, Friezecoat, or Turncoat, or whatever's his d d name; but it's so."

The other day, we said, in talking matters over, that things could not go on smoothly from beginning to end, and that some unpleasantness was bound to happen. Miss Tertia is, it's true, a mere girl, and you've always treated her with little consideration, but out of that company of senior and junior young ladies, she is the only soul whom our lady Secunda funks to some certain extent.

If an officer funks he's generally responsible for the death of goodness knows how many men. And if the men funk they're liable to be shot for cowardice in the face of the enemy." "And what happens to officers who are afraid?" "If it's known, they get broke," said I. Boyce swallowed his tea at a gulp, set down the cup, and strode to the window. There was a short pause. Presently he turned.

She hunted and hounded him out. She told him he was funking. Fancy Colin funking!" "What's Queenie like?" "She's like that. She never funks herself, but she wants to make out that everybody else does." "Do you like Queenie?" "No. I hate her. I don't mind her hounding him out so much since she went herself; I do mind her leaving him. Do you know, she's never even tried to come and see him."