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Blunt walked aft, humming cheerily, and saluted Frere with a slap on the back. The two men laughed, each at his own thoughts, but their laughter only made the surrounding gloom seem deeper than before. Sarah Purfoy, casting her eyes toward the barricade, observed a change in the position of the three men.

We were pals again. She gave me her confidence, and I would sooner have died," he spoke passionately, "than have betrayed it. I thought that I could hide my heart from her, and that only myself would suffer. And this I can say with truth: by no word, no look, no action, of mine were her eyes opened. I was always le bon frère to her, neither less nor more, until the awakening came.

These long moral treatises on the seven deadly sins and the even deadlier virtues were very popular in the Middle Ages. The best known to English readers occurs in the Parson's Tale in Chaucer's Canterbury Tales, and is taken from the Somme de Vices et de Vertus of Frère Lorens, a thirteenth-century author.

John Rex's impious and hypocritical production. "I thought so," he said, at length. "Those texts were never written for nothing. It's an old trick, but cleverly done." "What do you mean?" said Meekin. "Mean!" cries Frere, with a smile at his own acuteness. "This precious composition contains a very gratifying piece of intelligence for Mr. Blicks, whoever he is. Some receiver, I've no doubt.

"She told me that he was making one." "Well, I that is, we are making it. He will be back again tonight. Can I do anything for you?" "No, thank you. I only wanted to know how he was getting on. I must go soon if I am to go. Thank you, Mr. Frere. I am much obliged to you. This is a he-e dreadful place to have visitors, isn't it?"

In 1805, after doing good, and it was hinted not unprofitable, service in the trial of Lord Melville, the Treasurer of the Navy, he married his sister to a wealthy Bristol merchant, one Anthony Frere, and married himself to Ellinor Wade, the eldest daughter of Colonel Wotton Wade, a boon companion of the Regent, and uncle by marriage of a remarkable scamp and dandy, Lord Bellasis.

What he said when disentangled from obscenity amounted to this: 'I am glad to see you Dublin fellows in trouble. The Boers silenced him at once and we passed on. But that was all the taunting we received during the whole journey from Frere Station to Pretoria, and when one remembers that the Burghers are only common men with hardly any real discipline, the fact seems very remarkable.

Meekin was terribly frightened at the fact that so dangerous a monster should be roaming at large within reach of his own saintly person. Sylvia had shown symptoms of nervous terror, none the less injurious because carefully repressed; and Captain Maurice Frere was a prey to the most cruel anxiety.

Frere laughed. "By the Lord!" said he, "it will be rather hard for 'em if they don't come back before the end of the month, eh?" "Oh," said Vickers, "they're sure to come if they can come at all; but once lost in the scrub, a man hasn't much chance for his life." "When do you think you will be ready to move?" asked Frere. "As soon as you wish. I don't want to stop a moment longer than I can help.

The tables were turned he had become a gaoler! He had gained the fire before the solitary watcher there heard his footsteps, and spread his hands to the blaze in silence. He felt as Frere would have felt, had their positions been reversed, disdainful of the man who had stopped at home. Frere, starting, cried, "It is you! Have you succeeded?" Rufus Dawes nodded. "What! Did you catch them?"