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"On the other hand, ladies is dretful tryin'! They act like they're the discoverers of perpetchal emotion, an' is on the job demonstratin'. You can't count on 'em for one minit to the next, which they certaintly was never born to be aromatic cash-registers. An' p'raps that's the reason, bein' natchelly so poor at figgers, they got to rely to such a extent on corsets. I'm all for women myself.

There wuz hundreds of figgers from the animal and vegetable kingdom, and Mythology cupids, nymphs, birds, and butterflies disportin' themselves in the most graceful way, and such beautiful female figgers! Venuses as beautiful as dreams, and over all, and through all, wuz a-trailin' the rich clusters of the vine.

Right'll be done, and there hain't no more sufferin' fallin' to your share, ... You been doin' God's rough work, Jed, and I don't calc'late he figgers to have you punished f'r it...."

"Well, sir," said Smith, "that's just where I've got you, for I guessed two hundred and nine. If you'll look at my figgers again you'll find a 2 and two 0's, which stands for 200, don't it? and after 'em you'll find a 9 , which stands for two hundred and nine. I reckon I'll take that money, if you please."

And then the lights wuz lowered and I see a long line of figgers come glidin' in, keepin' step to the music, each one bearin' a pretty little colored lantern. And as I looked on my eyes wuz almost stunted and blinded by a sight I see. Who wuz the couple bringin' up the rear?

It was more than will or daring or sacrifice. A blood-tie might have existed between him and Madeline. She sensed again that indefinable brother-like quality, so fine, so almost invisible, which seemed to be an inalienable trait in these wild cowboys. "Miss Majesty, thet ride figgers impossible, but I'll do it!" he replied. His cool, bright glance thrilled her.

He looked at the footing of it. Then he looked at the items. Then he looked at Silas Peckham. At this moment Silas was sublime. He was so transcendently unconscious of the emotions going on in Mr. Bernard's mind at the moment, that he had only a single thought. "The accaount's correc'ly cast, I presoom; if the' 's any mistake of figgers or addin' 'em up, it'll be made all right.

Providence generally figgers to hand you things at inconvenient times. This darn sound's tricky when there ain't breeze enough to clear your smoke away. It's fierce when it's blowing. Guess you'll be glad to see your outfit ashore." "Ye-es." "Up country again this year?" Kars laughed. "Sure." The seaman regarded him enviously. "Guess it must be great only having the weather to beat.

"Dat's w'at make I say w'at I duz," said Uncle Remus. "Fokes go 'bout in de day-time an' makes a livin', an' you come 'long w'en dey er res'in' der bones an' picks it up. I ain't no han' at figgers, but I lay I k'n count up right yer in de san' en number up how menny days hit'll be 'fo' you 'er cuppled on ter de chain- gang."

They get paid by the bundle, and they told me this morning lathe would run short before they was through. I knew I had ordered an extra hundred on the architect's figgers, but I didn't say anything. Just prospected 'round and came back unexpected, and caught one of them red-handed. He was tucking a bunch between the ceiling and the upper floor, without even cutting the string.