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"I see, you worship her," said Miss Maybough fervidly, keeping her gaze fixed upon Cornelia. "You are homesick!" "I'm not homesick!" said Cornelia, angry that she should be so and that she should be denying it. "Mine," said the other, "died while I was a baby. She had Indian blood," she added in the same way in which she had said her name was Charmian. "Did she?" Cornelia asked.

He would set forth his doubts in Hebrew, he would send the manuscript to Herr Mendelssohn. Flushed by the hope of the great man's acquaintance, he scribbled fervidly and posted the manuscript. He spent a sleepless night. Would the lion of Berlin take any notice of an obscure Polish Jew? Maimon was not left in suspense. Mendelssohn replied by return.

He was not like others, as Henrietta had warned her. From thinking of him fervidly, she was already past the marvel of the thought that she called him husband. At the same time, a curious intimation, gathered she knew not whence, of the word 'husband' on a young wife's lips as being a foreign sound in England, advised her to withhold it. His behaviour was instructing her.

And, when the prayers rhymed, how exhilarating it was to lay stress on each rhyme and double rhyme, shouting them fervidly.

But shure, the rale thing, the parson, when I was after tellin' 'im of the job what was at this end of the game, he up and balked divil take 'im! an' said he wasn't goin' to tie for time and eternity, two unknown quantities. What do ye think of that?" Jock thought hotly of it, and expressed his thought so fervidly that the boy on the cracker-box gave attention.

"In forty years I might be worth four hundred and thirty-eight dollars and ten cents, and then I might marry Mary. Ah, Mary!" The young carpenter sighed, and, drawing a twenty-five cent daguerreotype from his vest-pocket, gazed long and fervidly upon the features of a young girl in book muslin and a coral necklace.

For reply he stooped to her foot, and kissed the mesh-clad instep fervidly. "How dare you!" she cried, scrambling down hastily without his assistance. But, alas, even trickery is not always successful in this uncertain world! The hold of the piano upon the hem of her gown was stronger than she realized.

Hamilton, promise me; let me not have the misery of reproaches from him to whom my fond heart still clings, as it did at first. Yes; though for nine long weary years I have never seen his face nor heard his voice, still he knows not, guesses not how his image dwells within, how faithfully, how fervidly he is still beloved.

"Yes, I I believe it, now. But I can't see why. There must be so many attractive girls in the city, who know so much more than I do." I sought fervidly to reassure her on this point.... At length when we went into the house she drew away from me at arm's length and gave me one long searching look, as though seeking to read my soul. "Hugh, you will always love me to the very end, won't you?"

Jimmie thought he had a great idea of women's frailty, but he could not understand why any of his kin should be victims. "Damn her," he fervidly said. Again he wondered vaguely if some of the women of his acquaintance had brothers. Nevertheless, his mind did not for an instant confuse himself with those brothers nor his sister with theirs.