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Though I haena ony feelin's, I 'm jist some eerie-like at the puir body's back." The last words were uttered in what she judged a safe aside. As if she had been his mother, she washed his face and hands, and dried them tenderly, the laird submitting like a child.

But I don't think he enj'yed his visit, all the same. She wasn't sparin' o' her remarks to 'im, an' I think some o' 'em must 'a' hurt his feelin's, fer he hain't been here sence." Lysander chuckled with reminiscent relish. Melissa had walked around the sled, and stood facing him, with her hands behind her.

I have nothin'.... But, all the same, I understand love a little, just by comparison with strong feelin's I've lived." Helen watched the hunter and marveled at his simplicity. His sad and penetrating gaze was on the fire, as if in its white heart to read the secret denied him. He had said that no girl would ever love him.

I want to get out quick." "Wal, you might be too damn considerate of Miss Hammond's sensitive feelin's." There was now no trace of the courteous, kindly old rancher. He looked harder than stone. "How about my feelin's? I want to know if you're goin' to let this sneakin' coyote, this last gasp of the old rum-guzzlin' frontier sheriffs, put you in irons an' hawg-tie you an' drive you off to jail?"

Now there ain't a livin' soul that wants the boy, but" "Timothy," said Miss Vilda hurriedly, "run and fetch me a passle of chips, that's a good boy. Land sakes! Aunt Hitty, you needn't tell him to his face that nobody wants him. He's got feelin's like any other child." "He set there so quiet with a book in front of him I clean forgot he was in the room," said Aunt Hitty apologetically. "Land!

They say an Injin may torment and tortur' the body to his heart's content, and scalp, and cut, and tear, and burn, and consume all his inventions and deviltries, until nothin' is left but ashes, and they shall be scattered to the four winds of heaven, yet when the trumpet of God shall sound, all will come together ag'in, and the man will stand forth in his flesh, the same creatur' as to looks, if not as to feelin's, that he was afore he was harmed!"

"Yes," agreed Bob. "Wish I could hire you to throw a monkey wrench in that engine over there. Its chuggin' keeps me awake." "I'll bet it does. Well, young fellow, you can't hire me or anybody else to stop it," retorted Doble, an edge to his voice. "Well, I just mentioned it," murmured Hart. "I don't aim to rile yore feelin's.

But she came nearer, and I gazed, spellbound; and then she bowed her beautiful head with a tender, laughing smile, and laid her hand on Captain Leezur's shoulder. "Here!" she said. Oh, how he laughed! Robins by the brook, and sun-sparkles. "That 's right, Vesty!" he exclaimed; "that 's right, darlin'. Come and kile yourself areound them 't 's got some feelin's!"

Haldane was silent, feeling that the old man's spiritual condition was too knotty a problem for him to solve. After a few moments Mr. Growther added, in a voice that he meant to be very solemn and impressive: "But I want you to enjoy your religious feelin's all the same. I will listen to all the Scripter readin' and prayin' you're willin' to do, without makin' any disturbance.

"No, sar, no. I's 'fraid ob him he! he! I 'fraid ob hurtin' his feelin's!" "Well, never mind; I'll find it out from himself soon. By the way, what were you telling me about explosions yesterday when that little white gull came to admire your pretty face, and took off our attention?" "Well, I dun know.