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Updated: August 21, 2024

Sweet said as Jezabel bein' throwed to the dogs could apply to that new rule in the city as makes you have to go around with your dog's nose in a lattice an' yourself tied to the dog; she said when she went up there the other day she felt like nothin' but a fool out with her brother an' him bein' jerked here an' there a'cordin' as the dog's feelin's moved him, an' the dog's lattice half the time over one of his two ears so he looked more drunk than sober all day.

"That I will, if the supply of bog-trottin' savages holds out." At this juncture one of the men in the hold lifted his sooty countenance and, with the vehemence of a lunatic, delivered this: "Whythilldonye'veaharseut'lldothwark?" "Dry up," said Mike, pulling the brick from his pocket. "Dry up or I'll hurt yer feelin's." The man shrank back out of sight, and Mike put the brick back in his pocket.

They're amazin' proud an' ch'ice of 'em, an' ye don't want to hurt their feelin's, but ye'd better shove 'em right outer the sasser inter yer britches pocket 'n eat 'em leastways that 's the way they 'fected me." Visions of a past mortal suffering flitted across Captain Pharo's face. "I'll try," I said.

"Cut it shart, Jenny, cut it shart, or I'm off!" "There, I did ought to think more o' your feelin's," said Jenny, drying her eyes with surprising promptitude. "I beg your pardon I were that undone, ye see, wi' lookin' round at all my poor Abel's things, what's to be mine now. They do all seem to speak so plain to I the very clock "

Your feelin's take to freezin', so likewise takes your brain; You go about grump-and-wheezin', like a wretched dog in pain; You long for wings, or some such things, But they're not to be had oh! no For there you are, Like a fixed star, In the world of Ice and Snow. If you wished you could you would not, for the very wish would die.

I knew when my Reginald staggered into the door-yard that he was on the Die, but if I'd only thunk to ask him about them mules ere his gentle spirit took flight, it would have been four thousand dollars in OUR pockets, and NO mistake! Excuse those real tears, but you've never felt a parent's feelin's." "It's an oversight," sobbed Maria. "Don't blame us!"

Hands that hold the destinies of mighty empires have clasped theirs in frankest friendship, and crowned heads have bowed low before 'em to hide the tears their sweet voices have called forth. What feelin's I felt as I looked on 'em! and my soul burned inside of me, almost to the extent of settin' my polenay on fire, a thinkin' of all this.

What had become of the relation on my side? Oh, the feelin's I felt! Oh, the emotions I carried round with me, from buttery to teakettle, and from teapot to table! And I stood in the west door, with my hand over my eyes, a watchin' him most every minute he wus gone.

So I thought I'd speak to pa about it. Say," and he paused abruptly, a queer expression in his eyes, "you don't suppose he knows what I'm sayin', do you? I wouldn't say anything to hurt the poor feller's feelin's fer " "He doesn't know what you are saying," said Barnes. "But, dern it, he jest now looked at me in the funniest way. It's given me the creeps." "Go on," said one of the men.

Feelin's don't allers point the right trail to jedgment, an', as often as not, the blazes lead the wrong way. You're all right in your own way, Bob-Cat, but you're shy on roots, and your idees gets a windfall every time an extra puff comes along. You're like the trees settlers forgets about when they cuts on the outside of a forest an' ruins the inside."

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