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It ain't enough that right to-morrow I got a fifty-dollar note over me from Sol Ginsberg a four-dollar present she wants for a child that don't even know the name of a feedle!" "Leon baby, stop hollering papa will go back and get the fiddle for you now before supper. See mamma's got money here in her waist "

Prob'ly Ah'll stop dis place, eef yo' lak' dat feedle so moch, hein?" His hand passed caressingly over the smooth brown wood of the violin. He drew it up close to his face again, as if he would have kissed it, while his eyes wandered timidly around the circle of listeners, and rested at last, with a question in them, on the face of the hotel-keeper.

Take him, and here you got back his birthday dollar. A feedle! Honest when I think on it a feedle!" Such a rush of outrage seemed fairly to strangle Mr. Kantor that he stood, hand still upraised, choking and inarticulate above the now frankly howling huddle of his son. "Abrahm, you should just once touch this child! How he trembles! Leon mamma's baby what is it?

"Papa will go back for the feedle not three dollars she's saved for herself he can holler out of her for a feedle!" "Abrahm, he's screaming so he he'll have a fit." "He should have two fits." "Darlink " "I tell you the way you spoil your children it will some day come back on us." "It's his birthday night, Abrahm five years since his little head first lay on the pillow next to me."

But Giuseppe was radiant, and seizing his beloved violin, ha capered about the white-faced invalid, crying in delight, "An' I feedle an' ma angel seeng. Oh, eet be heaven!" Perhaps it was his happy face, perhaps it was Peace's wistful entreaty, but at any rate, the lame girl suddenly smiled up at the President beside her and answered heartily, "Tell Mrs.

There, in the parlour door, stood the stranger, with his coat off, his violin hugged close under his chin, his right arm making the bow fly over the strings, his black eyes sparkling, and his stockinged feet marking time to the tune. "DANSEZ! DANSEZ," he cried, "EN AVANT! Don' spik'. Don' res'! Ah'll goin' play de feedle fo' yo' jess moch yo' lak', eef yo' h'only DANSE!"

A violin!" "Now, you little chammer, you got a feedle, and if you ever let me hear you holler again for a feedle, by golly! if I don't " From his corner, Leon Kantor reached out, taking the instrument and fitting it beneath his chin, the bow immediately feeling, surely and lightly, for string. "Look, Abrahm, he knows how to hold it! What did I tell you?

"All right all right drive me crazy because he's got a birthday." "Leon baby if you don't stop hollering you'll make yourself sick. Abrahm, I never saw him like this he's green " "I'll green him. Where is that old feedle from Isadora that seventy-five-cents one?" "I never thought of that! You broke it that time you got mad at Isadore's lessons. I'll run down.