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After I had recover'd my Fright, I told Volatilio, that I fear'd this Planet was inhabited by evil Spirits. He answered, that what we had seen, was sufficient to induce us to believe so. We look'd for the House, which we saw rise into the Air, and vanish in Flame and Smoke, which strengthen'd our Opinion.

Bimeby dey come back, an' dis time dey come like dey wuzzent 'fear'd er de s'roundin's, fer dey trot right up unto de toof, sorter 'zamine it like, an' den trot all roun' it, like deze yer circuous hosses. I sot dar mighty ca'm, but I 'spected dat sump'n' wuz gwine ter happ'n." "And it happened, did it?" asked some one in the group surrounding the old man.

Every able-bodied man 'ave bin trained for a sodger, jist to carry out that ould Kaiser's plans. A cantin' old 'ippycrit, tha's wot 'ee es. But we bean't fear'd ov'm, Maaster Bob. One Englishman es wuth five Germans, 'cos every Englishman es a volunteer, an' a free man. Aw I do wish I wos twenty 'ear younger. Of course you'll be off with the rest of the young gen'lemen?" But Bob did not reply.

The fair Beguine, said the corporal, continued rubbing with her whole hand under my knee till I fear'd her zeal would weary her 'I would do a thousand times more, said she, 'for the love of Christ' In saying which, she pass'd her hand across the flannel, to the part above my knee, which I had equally complain'd of, and rubb'd it also. I perceiv'd, then, I was beginning to be in love

And oft, at midnight, airy strains are heard Around the grove, where Ellen's form is laid; Nor is the dirge by village-maidens fear'd, For lovers' spirits guard the holy shade! Oh! the joy Of young ideas, painted on the mind In the warm glowing colours fancy spreads On objects not yet known, when all is new, And all is lovely!

Then, looking around and perceiving Kitty, the old negro's weather-beaten face shone with a broad smile of surprise and welcome. "Why, honey! Why, little Mistiss! How come dis? You makes de ole nigger feel proud; dat you does. I fear'd ter ax you ter set down, honey, de cheer so rickety." "Uncle Manuel," said Kitty, "do you know Blue Dave?" Uncle Manuel was old, and wise, and cunning.

I toted bigger turns dan w'at you is long 'fo' I had de strenk w'at I got now. Grab me 'roun' de neck, Mars. George; git up little higher. Now, den, don't you be fear'd er fallin'." Blue Dave rose from his stooping posture, steadied himself a moment, and then moved on with his living burden.

"'Co'se dey ain't no ghosts," say' Zack Badget, whut dat 'fear'd ob ghosts he ain't dar' come to li'l' black Mose's house ef de school-teacher ain't ercompany him. "Go 'long wid your ghosts!" say' li'l' black Mose's ma. "What' yo' pick up dat nomsense?" say' he pa. "Dey ain't no ghosts." An' dat whut all dat s'prise-party 'low: dey ain't no ghosts.

One, Of my three great Claims, your Wish may fit; Whose Voice is Musick: and whose Thoughts are Wit! Physick, alone, remains, to grant you, here A Skill! your godlike Pity will endear. Form'd to give Wounds, which must no Ease procure, Atone your Influ'nce, by new Arts, to cure, Beauty's chief Foe, a fear'd, and fierce Disease! Bows, at my Beck; and knows its God's Decrees.

"Here's his print;" he said "He was a-followin' Jim, for see! he has his foot in Jim's track. I don't like it. I'm fear'd of what's comin'." Slowly and painfully he traced the footing, which led through the thicket towards a long ridge running northward. In an open grassy place he almost cried out. "The redskin and Jim was friends. See, here's their prints side by side, going slow.