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"Good?" answered Abel "what good does it do? Why, he has been through it all himself, and he's just paying it off." Abel smiled grimly as he looked round upon the boys, who did not seem at all enthusiastic for his suggestion. "Well," said he, "I'm afraid I shall have to postpone my millennium of fagging. But I don't know what else will make men of you.

I don't believe Miss Phipps would keep a girl who was so mean as to make all the school suffer rather than face a scolding. There's one thing certain, I'm not going to have Pixie O'Shaughnessy fagging for me until this business is cleared up! I have tied my own hair bows before and can do them again, and I shall tell Flora and Ethel not to allow her in their cubicles either.

"Yes!" retorted Gabriel, his eyes flashing, as he kept tossing the ball nervously, and catching it; "yes, that's the meanness of it: the little boy can't help himself." "By golly, I'd kick!" put in Little Malacca. "Then you'd be licked till you dropped, my small Sir," said Abel, sneeringly. "Yes, Abel," replied Gabriel, "but it's a mean thing for an American boy to want fagging."

Yet he did not feel at that moment a regret for the fair acres he had parted with; he was full of the importance which the possession of a considerable sum of money gives a young man, who has been fagging almost unsuccessfully in an arduous profession, and one which requires a certain appearance of success to command success for John Adams even then placed M.D. after his plain name; yet still, despite the absence of sorrow, and the consciousness of increased power, he continued to look at poor old Ball until his eyes swam in tears.

The contrast of the boys' faces would have given infinite amusement to a looker-on the one so solemn and big with mighty purpose, the other radiant and bubbling over with fun. "Do you know, old fellow, I've been thinking it over a good deal," began Tom again. "Oh yes, I know fagging you are thinking of. Hang it all! But listen here, Tom here's fun. Mr. Winkle's horse "

By the time Loman's wants had been attended to, and his directions for future fagging delivered, the prayer-bell rang, and for the half-hour following prayers the new boy was hauled away by Master Paul into the land of the Guinea-pigs, there to make the acquaintance of some of his future class-fellows, and to take part in a monster indignation meeting against the monitors for forbidding single wicket cricket in the passage, with a door for the wicket, an old inkpot for the ball, and a ruler for the bat.

Of course, the affair was to be kept a great secret. There could be no doubt that the Doctor would approve of it ultimately, but at first he might be startled; though he never hesitated to introduce any alterations which were improvements, he might possibly look upon fagging without that reverence which it deserved as a time-honoured institution.

Litter had put a stop to fields, two of the younger boys who were as usual, just before school-time, standing in the archway leading into Little Dean's Yard to warn the School of the issuing out of the head-master were talking of the fight of the evening before; both had been present, having been fagging out at cricket for their masters. "I wonder which would lick, Norris or Barkley.

Everybody remarked the sullen angry expression which Blackall's countenance bore after the event I have just described. When any of his associates talked to him about fagging, he frowned, and, putting out his lips, declared that there was no use attempting to coerce the young scamps, for that the advantage to be gained was not worth the trouble it would cost.

Nothing was more irksome to him than to be compelled to endure calls of mere curiosity, or to answer letters either of fulsome eulogy of himself or asking for his eulogy of the MSS. or new work of the correspondent. Some letters of that kind he probably never did answer. Few had any idea of the fagging task they imposed on the distinguished victim.