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And now the tears were running down her face, and her voice lost its raucous shrillness, and became plaintive, and even soft. "I'm to tell you everythink I've seen, an' know about the Doctor.... I've seen 'im age, age, a bit more every d'y. I've seen 'im waste, waste, with loneliness and trouble never turnin' bitter on accounts of it never grudgin' 'elp that 'e could give to man or woman or kid.

Her total lack of shame, in the presence of a man, undressed and in bed, caused him to wonder whether she was one of the Bad Women against whom Mr. McCaughan had so solemnly warned him. If she, were, the warning was hardly necessary!... "I think you got everythink?" she said briskly, glancing over the table to see that nothing was missing.

The thermometer stood at 39 deg. in the shade, and "everythink" as Tom Whyte emphatically expressed it, "looked like a runnin' of right away into slush."

Reade at last. The substance of her information, freed from extraneous matter, was as follows: "Oh! 'ealthy? It'll live, I've no doubt, if that's what you mean; but 'elpless...! There, 'elpless is no word.... Learn 'im to open his mouth, learn 'im to close 'is 'ands, learn 'im to go to sleep, learn 'im everythink.

When I look back on that fish, sometimes I could cry. Money and fame ain't everythink in the world, believe me, they ain't. You may be 'appy in your 'umbleness." All this was gall and wormwood to John Chetwynd, and he approached his wife again and whispered. "It is getting late are these people never going?" "Not until they have had supper, most certainly."

Granby; but I hope you and I will be good friends yet;" then drawing another chair up to the fire he began to talk to his cousin. Presently the high voice spoke again "Why mustn't I, guvner?" "Why mustn't you what?" "Talk like that of him?" pointing to Reginald. "Because it's not civil. Mr. Trevor is my friend, and I am very fond of him." "Must I like everythink as you like?"

I doan't know who he be, that same Muster Lloyd, but he do seem to take a powerful deal of interest in everythink which has to do wi' shipping. He's an admiral belike, or something o' the sort." Neither of the Girdlestones appeared inclined to enlighten him upon the point. "What's the town?" asked Ezra.

For the fust six months it was all very well; but then she grew gloomier and gloomier, though A. did everythink in life to please her. Old Shum used to come reglarly four times a wick to Cannon Row, where he lunched, and dined, and teed, and supd. The pore little man was a thought too fond of wine and spirits; and many and many's the night that I've had to support him home.

"But I don't see that he has done anything very terrible," hazily interposed Miss Flipp. "Good gracious! If he had been cheekin' some one or playin' a far-fetched joke, I might be able to forgive him, but there must be reason in everythink, an' to go an' meddle with other's property is carryin' things too far.

"Know many of 'em, sir," said the man, tipping the off-leader on the flank by way of keeping his hand in; "I should 'ope I does; it's two year, this very day, since I came to this 'ere part o' the country, and I've got married in B to a 'ooman as knows everythink and everybody, so, of course, I knows everythink and everybody, too."