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"It is something quite different from either of you that is my desire; something that is as much higher as the stars are above these candles." Disputing and agreeing, the clamor rose anew, and the Etheling turned to his favorite with a jest. But the page was no longer in his place.

Some say that you are apt to be a hard man to deal with because you bend to obedience only when the command is to your liking. I want to know if this is true of you?" Half in surprise, half in embarrassment, the Etheling colored high, and his words were some time coming; but when at last they reached his lips, they were as frank as Canute's own.

Your life shall answer for any harm that comes to him." With one hand, he struck down the murmur that was rising; with the other he made an urgent gesture of haste, which Orvar seemed to understand. Even while he was returning to the Lord of Ivarsdale his sword, he seized him by the arm and hurried him down the room, the Etheling walking like a man in a dream.

"And now," said Edmund, "to the stables; the horses and cattle must be turned loose tonight, or the Danes will burn them in their barns and sheds." The farm buildings lay some little distance without, and the Etheling and Alfgar, with two or three farm servants, carried out the task hastily but effectually.

Deep was the distrust which Ednoth himself entertained of the fair-speaking Edric, yet he would not encourage the Etheling in further ill-timed opposition to his father. So at last Edmund slept, and trusted that with the morn he should find Alfgar; but the morn came, and all his inquiries were vain.

You recall that the Etheling Ethelwold, the son of Alfred's brother Ethelred, took sides with the Danes. To stem the invasion, Edward and his sister Ethelfled " "Ethel fled, that's just the trouble," interposed Mrs. Kent. "Kathleen, my dear, do run downstairs and see what's wrong in the kitchen. I'm afraid Eliza is in difficulties again. Mr. Blair, you and Mr. Carter must excuse this irregularity.

Are they burning the house?" "No, dearest. They have set the farm on fire. It cannot hurt us." "But the horses, and my poor little pony?" "Are safe, dearest one. The Etheling went and let them all loose." "Oh! how good of him. I am so glad." "Mother, let Hermann come and sit with us!" "Nay, he will out to the fight. He is a boy, and must learn to be a soldier."

But often that happens which one least expects, and it is time that I use forethought for myself. Now I know of no man in the world who is better able to help my case than you." "I!" the Etheling ejaculated. Suddenly it occurred to him to suspect that his new-sworn vow of obedience was about to be put genuinely to the test, and he drew himself up stiffly, facing the King.

At Durham the monks of St. Cuthbert intrusted to the Etheling their sacred standard a curious two-winged ensign, with a cross, that was carried on a car. It was believed always to bring victory, and at the first sight of it Donald's men abandoned him, and went over to Edgar. Donald was made prisoner, and soon after died.

"By Saint Cuthbert," he muttered, "too much has not been told concerning the sharpness of children!" But the Etheling made no answer whatever. After he had ridden a long time staring away across the fields, he met the old man's eyes gravely. "It is not alone because I am sore under his tongue, Morcard. Were he what I had thought him, I would remain quiet under harder words.