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Although a mild Christian-like good-will were manifested to all, the heiress of Willading, a name that was generally known and honored between the Alps and the Jura, met with those proofs of empressement and deference which betray the secret thought, in despite of conventional forms and which told her, plainer than the words of welcome, that the retired Augustines were not sorry to see so fair and so noble a specimen of their species within their dreary walls.

They were for the most part men advanced in years, and right well skilled in the arts of courtiership. The empressement of manner with which they saluted her was not lost upon her woman's instinct; infinitely quick and receptive, she knew without a word spoken, that each left his salute on her hand believing it the hand of his future Empress. Last of those presented was the Dean of the Court.

After the last quadrille, Mrs. Lyddell summoned her to come home, they took their leave of Caroline and Clara, whom Mrs. Lyddell promised to fetch to-morrow: Lady Julia was particularly full of empressement and affection, delighted that dear Caroline had been looking so lovely. She even came out with them to the cloak-room, where her son was assiduous in shawling Mrs.

He met Margie with empressement, and bowed his tall head to kiss the white hand she extended to him. She drew it away coldly something about the man made her shrink from him. "I am so happy to meet you again. Margie, and after ten years of separation! I have thought so much and so often of you." "Thank you, Mr. Linmere."

Chints, who now, with much 'empressement, advanced to a position immediately before Miss Burton; meanwhile the poor, perspiring Mr. Chints put the envelope into the child's chubby hand, saying: "Give it to the lady, Augustus." But the small Augustus, on the contrary, stared at the lady and put the envelope in his mouth, to the great mortification of Mrs.

With Sir Victor, as Trixy explained it, she was "goody" and talked sense. Mr. Stuart went back to the ball, and, I regret to say, made himself obnoxious to old Featherbrain, by the marked empressement of his devotion to old Featherbrain's wife. Edith listened to the narration next day from the lips of Trix with surprise and disgust.

You surely must come on to Hampton and visit us, and preach it over again in our little stone church there, by the sea. Good-by and don't forget! I'll write you, setting the date, only we'd be glad to have you any time." "One of the finest I ever heard if not the finest," Mr. Plimpton declared, with a kind of serious 'empressement', squeezing his hand.

Yes, the servant told him, Madame was at home and would assuredly see him. Madame was not alone. No. It was, however, only Monsieur Colville, who was so frequent a visitor. Turner followed the servant along the corridor. The stairs had rather tried one who had to elevate such a weight at each step; he breathed hard, but placidly. Mrs. St. Pierre Lawrence received him with an unusual empressement.

In ordinary life it devolves on the mother to lend a handkerchief; but if children have none, there are fathers who can rise to such occasions, and not feel afterwards as if heroic sacrifices had been demanded of them. John Mortimer felt that Miss Fairbairn had never before greeted him with so much empressement. They sat down, and she immediately began to talk to him.

Brown from the office door with an empressement which he feared a moment later might almost have betrayed him, and he went about his duties for the rest of the day in a mood of unusual contentment. The earlier memory of his employer's disturbance crossed him sometimes, and always excited his curiosity; but the later feeling dominated him.