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Already the horses had stood hard usage the detour with Matthews, the return, and the severely trying swim. Fraser, given the lead, still kept it, dinging hoarse persuasion into "Buckskin's" flattened ears. So far, the troopers had kept silent through fear for the girls' safety fear that the hostages, if aware of pursuit, would wreak instant death.

Dave had given verdict, "What these mouthy youngsters that hang around the pool-room need is universal military training. Make men of 'em." Mrs. Dyer removed the new schoolbuilding from the city hall: "Oh, so Mrs. Mott has got you going on her school craze! She's been dinging at that till everybody's sick and tired.

They were fond to ca' it papistrie; but I think our great folk might take a lesson frae the papists whiles. They gie another sort o' help to puir folk than just dinging down a saxpence in the brod on the Sabbath, and kilting, and scourging, and drumming them a' the sax days o' the week besides.

Dressed richly as she was, and assisted by the rejuvenating magic of jewels, she produced, in the shadow of the screen, a notable effect of youthful vivacity, which only the insult of close inspection could destroy. With sinuous gestures she waved Mr. Enwright's metaphorical palm before the approaching George. Her smile flattered him; her frail, dinging hand flattered him.

'most dying! would breathe his last! warn't no help fo'h him! must die, sartin!! Such a ringing and dinging of bells, such a tampering up stairs, such a puffing and blowing of excited citizens as followed, never was heard or seen before. Although in a tight place, I was neither alarmed nor crest fallen.

He will come next by some scathe in the hobbleshow, and then it will be, 'Dorothy, get the lint, and 'Dorothy, spread the plaster; but now it is nothing but nonsense, and a lie, and impossibility, that can come out of Dorothy's mouth. Impossible! Does auld Simon think that Harry Smith's head was as hard as his stithy, and a haill clan of Highlandmen dinging at him?"

"I've thought all night," said the girl at breakfast, "and I can't see any way but to borrow the money of Uncle Wesley and pay it back from some that the Bird Woman will owe me, when I get one more specimen. But that means that I can't go to that I will have to teach this winter, if I can get a city grade or a country school." "Just you dare go dinging after Wesley Sinton for money," cried Mrs.

The world as it is, dinging ever, "So important is wealth so important is herald-nobility so important is father-care in these respects for sons!" could make him take a tortuous and complicated way, could make him bow and cap, could make him rule with an ear for world's advice when he should have had only his book and his ship and his dream and a cheering cry "Onward!" Or so thinks Juan Lepe.

She slapped the pages of a magazine with an irritable clatter. "I suppose he was trying to make love to some hotel waitress or manicure girl or somebody." "Hang it, you're always letting on that Paul goes round chasing skirts. He doesn't, in the first place, and if he did, it would prob'ly be because you keep hinting at him and dinging at him so much.

He that takes all his geir fra himself, and gives it to his bairns, it were weil ward to take a mell and knock out his hairns. He sits full still that hes a riven brick. He that does bidding, deserves na dinging. He that blaws best bears away the Horn. He is well staikit thereben, that will neither borrow, nor len. Ill weeds waxes weil.